NFOA Day at the State Capitol!
March 3rd

 As Nebraska’s primary 2nd Amendment organization, our hardworking volunteers have been spending time reading and becoming experts in the current set of bills proposed by our Senators at the Unicameral.

The first step required to preserve your rights is to be informed. 

The second step is taking action when these bills are scheduled for their Committee Hearings and then if voted out of committee, connecting with Nebraska Senators during the debates and voting period on the floor and making sure they vote the way you want them to.

Did you know that as the only state with a Unicameral, we citizens have No Representatives, we just have Senators?  That means it’s up to us to represent ourselves and make our voices heard.  So when we send out calls to action – make sure you do your job and represent yourself and the future of our 2nd Amendment rights and freedoms.

Did you know that March 3rd is NFOA day at the Capitol?  The majority, not all, but the majority of bills are up for a hearing on March 3rd in the Judiciary Committee.  This committee is sadly, mostly comprised of some of the least 2A supporting members of the unicameral.  We have just a few senators on that committee who take their oath to defend and protect the constitution seriously.  S0 make sure to take that day off and testify for and against the bills that matter to you!

Several bills will be heard in committee starting at 9:30 a.m. in Room 1113. You need to take the day off and plan to testify on behalf of you, your family, and future generations of law-abiding firearm owners.
LB13 Prohibit possession of a deadly weapon by the subject of a foreign protection order
LB85 Require Nebraska State Patrol to provide notice of expiration of concealed handgun permits
LB244 Change permit renewal provisions of the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
Starting at 1:30 p.m
LB116 Change provisions relating to handgun transfer certificates and require suicide prevention training and informational materials
LB173 Change provisions relating to carrying a concealed weapon
LB300 Change provisions relating to the justification for the use of force
LB404 Change permit and renewal time periods under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB417 Authorize possession of a firearm on school grounds by a full-time, off-duty law enforcement officer
Read all bills here:
Can't Make the Hearing?
Submit your Testimony
To submit a letter to be included in the official hearing record, it must be:
1) Emailed to the official committee email address –
OR Hand-delivered to Room 1103 at the State Capitol

2) MUST be received by the deadline of 12:00 noon March 2nd

3) Testimony must contain the following:
– Bill #
– Position on the bill (Pro, Con or Neutral)
– Name
– Address
– A request that the letter be made part of the record
HERE ->1

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