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Some very important bills that affect your firearm rights are coming before committees at the State Capitol on February 24th and March 3rd. We will discuss NFOA Day at the Capitol on March 3rd and how important it is to attend the hearings and how to prepare. For those who cannot attend, we will discuss how to prepare your written testimony and the process for submitting it along with how to contact the Senators about these bills. Join us and learn about the two important bills being heard on February 24th:
LB188 - the Second Amendment Preservation Act and
LB236 - Permitless Carry at the County Level
We will also be discussing the bills that will be heard on March 3rd:
LB300 - Expansion of Castle Doctrine
LB116 - Mandatory Waiting Period for Firearm Purchase Certificates and Suicide Prevention Training
LB173 - Create provisions for legal transport of firearms without a CHP
LB404 - Extend CHP from a 5 year to 10-year permit
LB85 - Require a renewal notification for CHP expiration, and
LB244 - Create a grace period for renewing a CHP
Remember, you are your own representative in Nebraska. Join NFOA and make your voice heard!
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