Message from the Nebraska Firearms Owners on today’s Executive Orders by the Biden Administration
This administration has made it quite clear during their campaign and recent months that they hold in disdain the American Gun Owner. This action demonstrates their lack of respect for the civil rights exercised by millions of law-abiding citizens.
More deaths occur by a hammer than any type of rifle available in the United States. No ghost guns have been used in any mass shooting.
None of the executive actions, had they been in place, would have prevented or made more difficult any of the horrible atrocities that have occurred recently or in years passed.
We are incredibly disappointed at their willingness to skirt the legislative process and disrespect the sovereignty of each state and the constitution.
When any government entity tries to reduce violence, they truly fail to do the work to address viable and proven means. Instead, they fall back on a trite, baseless narrative that if only we could make it HARDER or SLOWER for firearms to be purchased, or if we could restrict certain firearms based on accessories that actually make them safer, less loud, or easier to transport because they make the firearm appear “scarier” to the uneducated, we could reduce gun deaths and help stop the proliferation of these firearms.
The modern sporting rifle is the most popular firearm in America because of its utility, flexibility, and performance for all lawful uses. The myth of the Assault Rifle is simply continuously perpetuated fabrication of a firearm that somehow elicits and generates violence in the hands of the wielder.
What we find most astounding, is that with over 20,000 laws and statutes related to firearms in this country no one is examining the incredibly poor job our prosecutorial system is doing with regards to actual criminals, doing actual crimes – 6 months for a felony straw purchase in Omaha that led to the death of Officer Orozco is just one glaring example.
The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association has followed the efforts by the Omaha Police Union and others to educate the community about the catch and release of criminals who are arrested for committing criminal acts while armed – these include drive-by shootings, sexual assaults, armed robberies, and terroristic threats and yet we watch how these individuals are released back into the public and never face the truly deserved repercussions for their actions that threaten public safety. And we are to take elected officials seriously when they tell us we need for gun control? Why don’t we use effectively what we already have in place and see how that improves our communities?
In this environment, it is even more important for citizens to exercise their individual rights, as confirmed by the Heller decision of the US Supreme Court, that the government cannot restrict our ability to have access to tools for defense of home, self, or family.
And we also believe that we as the law-abiding should not be restricted from having the same types of firearms that criminals can have access to simply because they don’t follow the law, submit themselves to background checks, submit their firearms for registration, or restrict what modifications they do to their firearms.
Nebraska’s constitution, amended in 1986 makes it abundantly clear that Nebraskans' rights to keep and bear arms cannot be subject to unconstitutional executive actions that blatantly ignore the constitutional protections at the federal and state levels. 35 counties across the state have already declared themselves sanctuary counties in advance of these executive actions. Senator Brewer’s bill LB-236 seeks to empower local governments at the county level to further advance civil rights by removing costly and time-consuming requirements that infringe a law-abiding citizen’s access to a firearm for self-defense.
Senator Halloran’s bill LB-188, the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act received the highest numbers of constituent support of any gun bill in the Unicameral this session, and yet partisan politics have blocked it from getting voted out of committee.
In a time when Americans have clearly spoken with their wallets, setting monthly record after record of new firearms sold, this demonstrates that this administration is not interested in Representative Government, but rather an authoritarian approach to do as I say, not as I do as they work behind barbed wire fences, surrounded by armed security patrols.
NFOA is proud to stand for the People of Nebraska and oppose these illegal attempts to restrict our right to bear arms, regardless of the party or politician proposing them.
We will work to support the national effort to defeat these attempts to restrict the natural rights that have been a core of our freedom. We will continue the hard work to protect the rights and liberty of law-abiding Nebraska firearm owners.
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