Basic Guidelines for Pursuing Sanctuary County Status
Nebraska Firearms Owners would like to offer the following suggestions for individual citizens to take on the initiative of bringing 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County status to their community. We have prepared the following after hosting numerous discussions with citizens who have been successful. While we have not captured every possible strategy, the following may be valuable in assisting you.
- Read the sample resolutions posted below
- Understand that Counties are in fact empowered to oversee how county money and resources are used, which includes the work and support for the County Sheriff and their staff and resources
- County commissioners represent the citizens of their county and swear an oath to defend the Nebraska Constitution
- Communicate across your community to educate and inform fellow citizens of the purpose, importance, and process of becoming a Sanctuary County for the 2nd Amendment
- Effective legislation that protects our rights is “stuck” in committee LB-188 the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act and others
- The current administration has put a target on the 2nd Amendment and will be working through unconstitutional Executive Orders to restrict our rights, enacting policy through the Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that will criminalize possession, ownership, sale, and transportation for commonly used firearms and accessories
- These attempts and existing restrictions on ownership, possession, transportation, and sale, by the Federal government and even our state and municipal governments, are not constitutional in accordance with Nebraska’s Constitution. Article 1 Section 1 of our constitution specifically states:
Statement of rights.
All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to keep and bear arms for security or defense of self, family, home, and others, and for lawful common defense, hunting, recreational use, and all other lawful purposes, and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof. To secure these rights, and the protection of property, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
- The Resolution, once adopted, demonstrates each commissioner’s support for the 2nd Amendment, the Nebraska Constitution, and the rights and freedoms of their constituents
- The Resolution declares support for the Sheriff in refusing to comply with Unconstitutional, thus illegal, enforcement of these infringements
- It ensures no county funds, resources, or personnel will assist in forcing compliance with illegal, unconstitutional mandates
- Contact your County Sheriff and discuss your efforts and ensure they are on board.
- If you get any resistance, feel free to contact NFOA for additional support info@nebraskafirearms.org
- If your county attorney resists, again, feel free to contact NFOA for additional support
- Once your process for education and soliciting support for the movement has been successful, call the County Clerk to request 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Status be added to the County Commissioner Agenda
- Ensure the date and time for the discussion is well-publicized – Facebook, Emails, communication with organizations within the county who may have members who would support it. Send out calls to action to submit testimony, email commissioners and/or attend the meeting
- Consider holding a rally in advance of the scheduled meeting
- Send letters to the editor to your local paper(s)
- During the hearing, have individuals willing to speak, prepare a 3-minute statement in support of the resolution. Ensure they personalize it and that multiple speakers are not simply saying the same thing over and over
- Keep testimony factual, personalized, and professional
- If after the first hearing, you are not successful, feel free to contact NFOA for additional support. Sometimes these resolutions require repeated attempts.
Sample Resolutions
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