LB77: Constitutional Carry
LB77 is our top priority bill. The hearing is January 26th at 1:30 in the Judiciary Committee. Join us and others in and around the state capitol between 11 and 1:30 to connect, visit senators offices and show support for our innate rights. Reach out to your Sheriff and ask for a letter in support of LB77 be sent to Senator Brewer as part of our education strategy to move LB77 out of committee and onto the floor. tbrewer@leg.ne.gov
Can't attend the hearing? Submit your comments online
LB482: Red Flag
Shame on Senator Raybould for introducing a Red Flag bill disguised as a suicide prevention bill. You can do better Senator! We stopped it once, we will stop it again. Nebraskans reach out to your Senator. Tell them we want real, honest, and constitutionally sound solutions to reduce suicide, we reject unconstitutional RED FLAG LAWS! DOWN WITH LB482 Help us stop this Red Flag Law! DONATE TO THE CAUSE
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