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Stand Up and Do What's Right


My pledge:

"I, ______ , do solemnly swear, vow, pledge, and affirm with my life and everything I have to support and defend Freedom and the Constitution of the United States of America from *ALL* enemies, *foreign AND domestic*. That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.

I will never sit silently as those around me are having their rights infringed upon.

I will never support a government that does not stay within its bounds, becomes oppressive in any form, or violates its sole duty.

I will never comply with *ANY* order or law that violates the Constitution or the individual rights granted to each individual by their creator/nature/God.

With my very life, to gather and maintain my armaments to shield and protect freedom and the Constitution, no matter the cost.

So help me under God, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all."


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