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Thune-Vitter Amendment Roll Call

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How the most relevant-to-us senators voted:

Nebraska: Johanns (R-NE), Yea - Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Iowa: Grassley (R-IA), Yea - Harkin (D-IA), Nay

The full voting results can be found here.

armed and humorous:
Thanks for that info.  I probably wouldn't have spent the time to research it myself.

If I counted correctly...

Out of the 39 "Nay" votes, only 2 were Republicans.  Who would have guessed?  ;D

The big surprise is that out of the 58 "YEA" votes, 20 were Democrat.

I didn't think this amendment had a chance, but it got pretty close.


Dan W:
So, 20 Dems were allowed to throw their conservative voters a bone in a vote they knew would not pass.

Those politicians are pretty sneaky, I agree.  But are they that competent in their organizational skills that they would be able orchestrate a tally within TWO votes of passing?  I don't think so.  Two votes could have easily swung in the wrong direction for them with a deal made under the table.



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