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Author Topic: Open Letter to NFOA Membership  (Read 5664 times)

Offline armed and humorous

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2009, 09:57:21 PM »
I'm glad to be part of the group, and even though we don't all see things exactly the same way, we're going to get more done in terms of influencing law makers when our voice represents hundreds, now thousands of people.
Gun related issues are, by nature, deadly serious.  Still, you have to maintain a sense of humor about them.

Offline huskergun

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2009, 09:27:21 AM »
One more thing if I may.....

Ya know what I went to your blog site and read some of your writings. Some I agree with and some I don't.
 Gun owners are a very diverse group of people who have interests ranging from hunting to target shooting to being Patriots ready to stand and fight for their country. Some are very well educated and some not so much. Regardless of their education everyone in this country has the right to stand up and say what they feel is right even if they misspell a word or two now and then (Me). Some of us  didn't do too well in school. So should we just shut up and let the educated better writers and talkers do all the work for us? I think not.
Your qoutes on your blog ....
"I'm often embarrassed by the comments I see from other pro-gunners trying to impress upon the world how absolutely right they are in their position." .... I think you did a little bit of that also.

"But, I digress. The point is that when pro-gunners (or anyone) can't write a complete, grammatically correct sentence that expresses a logical, pragmatic idea, they are not likely to convince anyone that they know what they're talking about or that they have a valid perspective on an issue. It's one thing to talk macho and joke around with your buddies and peers who you know feel the same as you do. It's quite another to expect people on the other side of an issue to take you seriously when you can't spell simple words, write a complete sentence, or come up with a logical explanation of your point."
 Sounds slightly elitist to me.

"I haven't found too many "gun nuts"on the site that simply have a macho "I-can-kill-you-if-I-want-t0" attitude. Actually, I've only come across one person who seems a bit too angry for someone who carries a gun. "
 So' I'll continue to express myself complete with misspeeeellings and gramatical errors while continuing to learn more about the subject at had.

By the way we are all "gun nuts". We just love the damn things. Something about the smell of gun powder I guess. Must be the redneck in me.

 A "gun nut" isn't a bad thing. I'm kind of tired of that phrase myself.
 I'm done with this conversation.....I gots mores important stuffs to do.  ;D
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 09:18:14 PM by huskergun »
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
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Offline armed and humorous

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2009, 10:37:41 PM »

I admit, I come off a little egotistical at times.  I've always been a bit anal about spelling and grammar and such.  I suppose my mom drilled it into me hoping I would do well in school, which I did.  I think it is part of being a very competitive person.  I just have this drive to try to do things better than other people in many aspects of my life.  It doesn't mean I am the best at anything, or that I think I'm a better or more deserving person than anyone else.  I think if you read one of my earlier comments, you'll remember that I said everyone, regardless of their abilities, deserves the right to defend themselves.  That goes for expressing themselves, too.  I do realize that not everyone knows spelling or grammar all that well, or they just don't feel it is as important as I do.  And, that's fine.  I'm not saying they can't express their opinions because of it.  I'm just saying that when some people read them, they see the poor spelling and grammar and wonder if the person writing it knows what they're talking about.  The point is, if you are really trying to convince someone about some point, and not just blowing off steam, you should do the best job of writing you can.  The other, more "embarrassing" things for me are those who simply antagonize the other side with name calling and such and don't present any real reason for it that makes any sense.  Also, I don't believe I try "to impress the world how absolutely right I am."  You may find a quote or two of mine from time to time that sound that way, but if you'll notice, I generally qualify most of my writings by saying they are my "opinion" or "I think" or "it seems to me" or something similar.  Or, I put things in the form of a question because I'm simply trying to get someone to consider an idea they may not have thought of previously.

Finally, I didn't mean to infer that "gun nuts" were bad, or stupid people.  I often use the term to describe myself, too.  However, it is also the word the antis like to use when they are trying to lump us into the mold of crazed, idiot, cowboys, or whatever they think it means.  To that extent, I don't particularly like the term.  It's sort of like the "N" word for black people.  They may use it talking to eachother or about themselves, but most don't take it well if a white person uses it.  So, I apologize if I offended anyone by bringing up poor spelling and grammar.  I'm far from perfect in that regard, even though I try hard not to let mistakes slip through.  As a matter of fact, I noticed a typo from my blog that you copied and pasted into your comment where I hit the number zero key instead of the letter "o".  It wasn't so apparent in my blog because of the font I was using, but it jumped right out at me when I saw it in your comment.

By the way, it's the smell of Hoppe's #9 that really turns me on.  I wish someone would make an aftershave in that scent.
Gun related issues are, by nature, deadly serious.  Still, you have to maintain a sense of humor about them.

Offline huskergun

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2009, 11:30:32 PM »
I found a typo ...."eachother"......I win. ;D

Look forward to more debates. That's one of the reasons I joined this group.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 11:32:41 PM by huskergun »
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
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Offline armed and humorous

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2009, 09:54:58 AM »
See, I told you I make mistakes, too.  I was right, and you helped me prove it!  :D
Gun related issues are, by nature, deadly serious.  Still, you have to maintain a sense of humor about them.

Offline JimP

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2009, 10:20:28 PM »
Sorry...... getting to the party late, as usual.......

" that I don't believe that totally disarming us is the goal of everyone on "the other side". "

Mayhaps not all of them, but always keep in mind that a significant percentage, possibly even a majority , of "the other side" are "PROGRESSIVES"..... they are some of the most educated, intellignet people on the planet, and are dedicated to the belief that a better life can be had for all through GOVERNMENT.  Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or in this lifetime, but little by little, GINORMOUS GOVERNMENT will make it all BETTER. All YOU hahave to do is surrender your Liberty to the common cause.

Mal Reynolds summed it up for me...... I ain't to the misbehaving part ..........yet:

"They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people....... better.  And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. "
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline David Hineline

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2009, 10:48:30 PM »
I prefer the liberals to fear us.
Machinegun owners blow thier load with one pull of the trigger

Offline Rich B

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2009, 08:34:58 AM »
No problem at all with you armed and humorous.  Just felt that you maybe had a false impression of what the first amendment means, after all many don't understand the second either.

It's about hunting, right?  ;)

"The right to shoot God's creatures, big and small, shall not be infringed, except by state game & wildlife authorities."
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Offline armed and humorous

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2009, 11:20:46 AM »
If we weren't supposed to eat meat, they wouldn't have made the animals out of it!
Gun related issues are, by nature, deadly serious.  Still, you have to maintain a sense of humor about them.

Offline wrenrj1

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Re: Open Letter to NFOA Membership
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2009, 02:00:59 PM »
Welcome to the forums.  Going pro or anti-gun legislatively (i.e. laws that will allow or prohibit gun-owners rights) follows the theory of incrementalism, meaning large policy changes will not occur in government because the electorate will not allow for policy makers to make drastic policy changes, nor will policy makers do so out of protection of their job.  This is how gun owners rights can either be advanced or eroded over time.  Drastic changes won't happen, but the small incremental changes over a longer period by those who have the long-term vision most certainly occur. 

We've seen this on the pro-gun side with CCW both here in Nebraska and nation-wide.  Now 48-states have some form of CCW.  This didn't happen over night.  Even our own CCW legislation started prior to 1991, but in 1991 LB 496 was introduced, and failed.  Again in 2003, LB 265 was introduced, and failed. Finally in 2006 LB 454 was introduced and passed, subsequently this year LB 430 was introduced and passed making CCW uniform across the state (exception Omaha).  If you go and look at the committee statements on these bills you will see the pro and opposition numbers change, as well as the committee senators votes.

My logic extends to the current healthcare dilemma.  It will not pass due to the fact that it's too far a leap from what we currently have to what the administration wants healthcare to be.  We will not accept it.  Therefore an incremental move will occur in my opinion to some sort of compromise way short of the administrations intent, however it will be looked at as a success at healthcare reform.

Finally, saying all that, the anti-gun movement can do the same thing in incrementally advocating change in gun owners laws that may eventually erode gun owners rights.  Therefore, a wise stand is to recognize these efforts as a threat and vigorously oppose them, or the may very well take hold with the right people in power.