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Throw the bums out!!

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This is prime example of wht we should throw all the bums out and start over.
But sadly the sheep that follow this idiot will re-elect him.  :(

armed and humorous:
That is amazing.  I can't believe even a politician is stupid enough to say something like that.  It must have been a cloned copy of him planted at the press club meeting by his opponents to sabotage him.

If the people who make the laws can't understand them even after they read them, how can they possibly know what they are passing (or defeating) if they haven't read them?  This guy is a total idiot.  He's probably right that it would take days and some lawyers to decipher some of this stuff, but what do we pay him for if it's not to figure out whether legislation is good or bad and vote accordingly.  If all they are going to do is vote along the party line, no matter what, there isn't much point in even having them there.  Just vote for your representatives, and which ever party has the majority gets total rule until the next election.

We can be thankful that at least a few of these people have some ethics and vote their conscience, or with their constituents, rather than strictly by party affiliation.

Unfortunatly there are not enough of the good ones to make a differance.
 That's why I'm all for term limits. We have them for everyone else. It is time for we the people to stand up and be counted on all fronts from local to state to federal.

If they are not going to read the things that they are approving, what the hell are they there for?  Rubber Stamp Congress......... Glenn Beck was right- they are becoming irrelavent, and the Executive Branch is pretty much taking over.

I was just wondering the other day.... some of us over coffee got into a debate about healthcare and the stimulus amoungst other topics. Where the heck do these 1600 page bills just magically appear from? Is there someone that is just sitting there writing this stuff and when they decide "hmmm we need healthcare reform" someone just walks over to a shelf and goes ' a-b-c-----h here it is healthcare reform" Honestly how many man hours are put into them, the stimulus for example over 1000 pages of nothing but bull **** legalese how many people wrote for how long to get that done? and it popped up VERY shortly after they started talking about the "economic collapse.Was that done in advance was it just a 1000 lawyers sitting there for a week or what? Just makes a guy wonder.


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