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Throw the bums out!!

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"Where the heck do these 1600 page bills just magically appear from?"

Welllllllllllllll....... the .fedgov IS the largest employer....... you spose all those guys are doing NOTHING for their pay? 

Well yeah I did. I know several state and federal employees that will whoop the tar outta you in solitaire........

I stumbled on a web site that keeps track of donations to US Congressmen. It is an eye opener. The basic theme is that donated money influences our representatives. That being said, check out our two Senators for a slight contrast.

So out of curiosity I chose to click on Pelosi's page. Just to see how she compares to our "fearless leaders". Now this was a bit of a shock.

Received 87% of campaign contributions ($2,813,298)
from outside her district. (Rank: 133 out of 421.)

Received 70% of campaign contributions ($2,277,948)
from outside her state. (Rank: 88 out of 421.)

Total Campaign Contributions, 2005-2007: $3,235,658

Are you serious?!? 87% from outside her district? 70% from outside her STATE? How the hell are these people supposed to represent her constituents when most of the money (which influences their decisions) comes from out of state? I have had this thought before but just needed to vent a little bit... AGAIN. Sorry.

I would say that we need more people to vent on this type of abuse of power.


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