We have two more Rimfire Sporter matches scheduled this year at the Lincoln Izaak Walton League, and the September match is scheduled for this Saturday at 11:00 AM, immediately following the Vintage Rifle match. This is a nice low pressure introduction to competition shooting - all you need is 60 rounds of .22LR and a sporter style 22 rifle. Pretty much any non-target style semi auto, bolt action, lever action, etc 22 will work. Scopes and open sights compete in different classes.
The match consists of 6 stages of 10 rounds each:
Prone Slow Fire (50 yards, 10 minutes)
Prone Rapid Fire (50 yards, 5 rounds in 25 seconds, 1 minute reload period, 5 more rounds in 25 seconds)
Seated Slow Fire (50 yards, 10 minutes)
Seated Rapid Fire (50 yards, 5 rounds in 25 seconds, 1 minute reload period, 5 more rounds in 25 seconds)
Standing Slow Fire (25 yards, 10 minutes)
Standing Rapid Fire (25 yards, 5 rounds in 25 seconds, 1 minute reload period, 5 more rounds in 25 seconds)
Manually operated rifles get an extra 5 seconds per string on the rapid fire stages. Slings can be used for all prone and seated stages. Kids are welcome to participate as long as they can handle a rifle safely.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me, or you can find the CMP Rimfire Sporter rules here: