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I started a petition on

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I posted to my Facebook.

"I, Kevin Gillen have exercised my right to petition my government. I have started a petition on, requesting that the pay of the Congress, White House and their staffs be frozen until a budget is reached as opposed to delaying both military and Social Security checks if a continuing resolution is not passed. Please sign and share it, my birthday is Wednesday, and this is all I ask of you.

It won't appear on the Whitehouse page until it reaches enough signatures, so if you sign it, please repost this, or the Link. If you look at the bottom of it, it says K.G. Omaha NE... I am not re-posting this for a friend, I DID THIS. Why should our military and retirees suffer because the folks in Washington D.C. can"t do the right thing? Please take a second and do this for our nation."

Nice...not bad...simple, yet very direct.

Though...when did they start requiring a registration? I don't remember that earlier this year when I signed a different one.

Not 100% sure when the requirement began. I kept it short sweet and to the point because it's a pretty simple idea, didn't want to put anyone to sleep with extraneous these days with their short attention spans and all. Please share it.

Already shared... Don't have facebook or anything, but maybe my wife will on her facebook.

Yeah, sad how things are with these "right now" people.

It is up to 35 signatures, needs 150 to appear on the page without using the link. Thank you to those who have signed and shared. It only takes a couple minutes to do, please consider signing, and sharing the link with anyone and everyone. Thank you!!


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