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I CHALLENGE YOU.... (Steel Challenge, Oct 20th)
...but I won't be there. :(
The last ENPS Steel Challenge match of 2013 is coming up in a couple of weeks---Oct 20th.
You think you are a good shot? Your draw is nice and fast? Are you quite the pistolero? Well, be honest with yourself and find out for certain, if your ego can take it. Come and participate in the Steel Challenge match. No movement (unless we are doing Outer Limits, in which you move laterally toward your strong side about 6 feet), no reloading on the clock---all you do is draw and hit five targets each time.
Can you perform the technical skills that that are fundamental to self-defense with a firearm? Draw and hit your target at speed?
Come and find out! Registration starts at 7:15am (as does setup), registration closes at 7:40, shooter's meeting at 9am, with shooting starting right afterward. 6 stages, 150 rounds if you are perfect, all for only $15. (If you are a SC member, make sure to let us know your member number, as we do send these results in to the national headquarters.)
I can't be there as I'll be at a shooting match in Tulsa. So you won't be able to show you are better than me this time, sorry. On the other hand, you can't argue that I'm trying to set you up, either. :)
So come out and shoot! (It's a really fun time.)
(As a side comment, one of the things that I think is useful in competition is that people HAVE to let their egos go. Once you get thumped by someone else, you can no longer tell yourself "I'm really really good"--which means there is now actually some space for improvement. If you never test yourself against anything, then you can simply sit there, complacent, secure in the knowledge that you are "really good"--even if it isn't true. Compete, on the other hand---and you'll actually have to give up any illusions you might have. Maybe you really ARE that good. Or maybe, you'll find that indeed there IS still room for improvement. I know that I've found that there is a lot of room for improvement in my own skills. Evidence of that was seen in my last SC match, in which I averaged almost two missed shots for EVERY string of the match. BLEH!)
Don't make me call out people by name, here. ;D Get yourself to a match!
...for those people who just like to have fun shooting---you should come out, too. SC is a great time. Hearing that steel ring is a blast, and if you don't feel like drawing that many times, you can always bring a .22 pistol and shoot it that way. Or a .22 rifle!
For more information about SC matches in general, take a look at the post stickied to the top of the Shooting Sports forum.,6854.0.html
(We still need to break 80 people for an SC match. We've come close, but we haven't quite made it. C'mon, this is the last one this year!)
Edited to fix a typo. I hate looking back at a post that is weeks old, and seeing a typo that makes me look like an idiot.
--- Quote from: jthhapkido on September 26, 2013, 02:39:47 PM ---...but I won't be there.
--- End quote ---
Disregard...I will be gone that weekend. :'(
--- Quote from: OnTheFly on September 26, 2013, 05:03:31 PM ---Disregard...I will be gone that weekend. :'(
--- End quote ---
I'm unhappy to miss the match, also. At least in my case, I'll be shooting another match instead, so that's not quite so bad.
I have missed two of the five SC matches this year, though. Barely got the "minimum three to count for yearly stats" in. (And I've missed enough Multigun that I think I need to make at LEAST one of the ones in November, if not both.)
[sigh] I wish I was rich. I'd go to every Area match in the nation, plus the SC Nats, PLUS fly back for all the local matches. :)
I REALLY want to go....
But I'm getting my eyes lasered that weekend.
I won't miss this one. My company is leaving that morning. Since relatives and dead fish start to stink after 3 days, I'll say my farewells Saturday and shoot. Now, Glock or Smithie 22A or 10-22, such tough choices :-[
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