Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading


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Dan W:
Let's have a discussion about chronographs

Right now I am leaning towards the purchase of a Competition Electronics Prochrono Digital model as it is reviewed as a good shothell chronograph, as well as a great value for rifle and pistol testing, and I do both.

I was very interested after reading this review

I have 1 1/2 Chrony chronographs (Alpha model with remote)....... put a 230 grain .45 bullet into it........ they replaced the damaged portion  for 30 bucks ......

It works.  It is inexpensive (Like $120, IIRC. )

The people at Chrony explained to me that the expensive part of the unit was the computer chip.... which was in the remote display...... they also sell cheaper units w/o the remote.  Had I bought one of those and shot it, I'd had to buy a whole new Chrony...... just something to think about.

+1 For the Chrony Master which I am an owner of.
The corded display/Brain is a plus this with the push button option for scanning through your shots.

Dan W:
I have heard many reports of the Chrony line having problems with shotshells, So I bought a Competition Electronics Prochrono Pal.  Next time out to the rifle range i will be checking loads


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