The following is the text of an email I sent to the NRA on this topic:
It seemed to me from reading the news I was able to find that the NRA was waffling a bit on whether they would use the Sotomayor confirmation vote as part of their rating of senators depending on how they voted. I, and my gun-owning friends, as members of the NRA, ask that you do downgrade those senators who vote for Sotomayor's confirmation. We have done all we can by contacting our senators directly, and some of them (Senator Ben Nelson in particular) ignored our desires and went on record in favor of the confirmation. We want the NRA to help us get a new senator elected at the next opportunity by downgrading Nelson based on his support for someone who does not share our views on Second Amendment rights.
Feel free to copy or paraphrase or send your own original comments, but let the NRA know how you feel!