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No CCW Signage

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armed and humorous:
Yes, let's all get behind a castle law for Nebraska.  Better yet, a nation-wide castle law.  As with concealed carry permits, a castle law "shouldn't" even be necessary, as the right to bear arms along with the right to life and liberty (and therefore the right to defend oneself) are inalienable rights that should need no further qualifications.  However, it appears, for now, that in order to keep from being charged with some kind of crime, or being sued, we need to get this on the books so we are not penalized by simply excercising our rights.

"No brainer" is not a term I particularly like to use, but it seems appropriate in the case of self-defense.  Given that life and liberty are probably the two things most important to us, I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could deny that we have the right to defend ourselves at any time or place it may be necessary.

Rich B:
I disagree.  I am STRONGLY in favor of a uniform signage requirement.

My place of employment is posted.  From three feet away, they look like no smoking signs since they say NO SMOKING in big bold letters.  In tiny, itty bitty letters underneath, it says something to the effect of "no weapons of any type are permitted on the premises."  You have to be on top of the sign to read it.  As casual glance leads you to believe it is just a no smoking sign.  It's a shady tactic, and one that might get someone arrested.  

We need to take Texas' lead and require a sign that would require:
-written language similar to the following (from TX's statute): "Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Article 4413(29ee), Revised Statutes (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun"
-includes the language described above in both English and Spanish;
-appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and
-is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

I'm sick of the misleading signs, the 2"x2" "No revolvers" signs, and other cowardly tactics.  

The above would result in a pretty big sign that would be quite conspicuous.  Ever been to a c-store that has 101 different signs and stickers on it?  Then you have to search for a No CCW sign...  it's insane.

armed and humorous:
As I said in my earlier comment, I am not necessarily opposed to uniform signage, perhaps similar to that in Texas.  If that's what the majority of us think is best, I'll go along without complaint.  Again, I wish they would have required it in the beginning.

It seems odd to me that a private property owner would use a sign such as RichB described if they truly don't want weapons in the establishment.  After all, if the sign isn't obvious enough to work, they're going to have people come in with guns unaware they've done anything wrong.  The result is they have guns in the establishment that they didn't want.  I can see where they might not really care if guns come in except, as was the case with the Douglas Theaters, if their liability insurance rates go up unless they post.  By posting inconspicuously, they may meet the requirements of the insurance company without raising the ire of gun owners.  The result: they keep lower rates and don't lose business.  Yes, they still get guns carried in, but they didn't really care about that in the first place.  I'm not sure what RichB means by a shady tactic, but I doubt they are trying to trap some poor CHP holder into breaking the law.  How would they ever find out?  Pat down all their customers?  Not likely.  But, whatever the reason, it does happen, and it doesn't do us any favors.  At my work, they use the standard recommended signs.  Had they done something like at RichB's place, I think I would have requested that they either not post, or I would have given them the standards signs I downloaded myself to use.

I want uniform and very noticeable signs, because as I am driving by, I want to see it, and just keep driving, instead of finding a place to park, getting the kids out of the vehicle, walking to the door, only to notice that they don't want my money. I have stopped at the door, turned around and left before.

No CCW=No Money, even if I am not carrying.


--- Quote from: LitlRat on August 09, 2009, 06:36:39 PM ---I want uniform and very noticeable signs, because as I am driving by, I want to see it, and just keep driving, instead of finding a place to park, getting the kids out of the vehicle, walking to the door, only to notice that they don't want my money. I have stopped at the door, turned around and left before.

No CCW=No Money, even if I am not carrying.

--- End quote ---

Same policy I use, whenever possible.  I try to give these cards out when I encounter a business that has a "no gun sign". 
It is set up to be printed on an Avery business card format.

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