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Author Topic: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy  (Read 1313 times)

Offline hembri2011

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M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« on: October 12, 2013, 07:31:14 PM »
My wife recently completed a CCW class and I am looking for a pistol for her.  We have looked at the M&P Shield and she liked the way it felt.  I don't like the idea of buying a firearm without shooting one first.  I am from the Omaha area and have looked at both the Bullet Hole in Omaha and Big Shots in Lincoln and neither of them have the Shield to rent.

Does anybody int the Omaha area have a M&P Shield that my wife and I can shoot.

Also does anybody have an opinion good or bad regarding the Shield?
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 08:35:30 PM by hembri2011 »

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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2013, 09:11:03 PM »
My wife recently completed a CCW class and I am looking for a pistol for her.  We have looked at the M&P Shield and she liked the way it felt.  I don't like the idea of buying a firearm without shooting one first.  I am from the Omaha area and have looked at both the Bullet Hole in Omaha and Big Shots in Lincoln and neither of them have the Shield to rent.

Does anybody int the Omaha area have a M&P Shield that my wife and I can shoot.

Also does anybody have an opinion good or bad regarding the Shield?

OPINION!  So take that for what it is worth...

The Shield is an excellent overall gun for CCW.  For many people, the small size means they'll carry it all the time.  The trigger is decent (not great, the Kahr pistols are definitely better, the Ruger LC9 pistols are worse), sights are good, action is reliable---overall, a perfectly decent choice.

That being said:

1) Does your wife need a small gun for carry?  Or would a larger one work also?  (In other words, how does she plan to carry?)  Reason for this question:  larger pistols are simply easier to shoot well---both in accuracy, recoil control, and comfort.  Guns like the Glock 19 and the M&P Compact are only a little larger, but MUCH easier to shoot well.  Full-size pistols even more so.

2)  Has she taken a look at the Kahr K9, Ruger's LC9, or the Beretta Nano for comparison purposes?  Personally, I think that the Shield is better than the Nano or the LC9 for a number of reasons, but is worse than the K9.  Among other things, the Shield's bore axis is rather high compared to the grip, and as such, the muzzle flip is not minor compared to the K9.  (The LC9 and the Nano's axis line isn't that great, either.)    The Glock 26 is a great gun also, and depending on body type, the fact that the gun is thicker won't make much difference.  I'm glad you want to have her shoot it first before buying---for the subcompacts, it isn't so much if the gun is comfortable in her hands, as it is something that is even remotely comfortable to SHOOT.  Recoil in a subcompact is a much bigger deal than in full-size weapons, and small differences in gun design can translate to big differences in perceived recoil and muzzle blast.

(Personal comment:  I carry a G17 year-round with no issues.  I know women who carry G26s all the time, and others who switch from Kahr K9s in the summer to Glock 19s in the winter.  I also know a woman who carries a full-size 1911 all the time.  It really all depends on body type and finding the right holster.)

So---the Shield is a perfectly good gun.  Is it your choice because it is small, and you think it's the only thing that'll conceal well on her?  Or is it because she has tried a number of guns and holsters, and decided that her lifestyle, body type, and clothing types effectively specify a gun of that type/size?

3) Are you positive you want to go with a .40?  Given current-day ammunition loads, the 9mm (literally) is just as effective as the .40 load, and the 9mm is a LOT cheaper, and a LOT easier on your hands to shoot.  .40 out of a full-size duty weapon has noticeably more recoil and muzzle blast (with no commensurate increase in ballistic effectiveness) than 9mm---and out of a smaller gun like a sub-compact, the difference can be jarring. 

Another way to put that:  People have a hard enough time practicing their firearms skills as it is.  Most people really don't like to practice with a subcompact loaded in .40, because it simply isn't very much fun.   

This isn't to say that no one likes it---plenty of people do shoot .40 out of smaller guns, and do just fine.  My point is merely that if you were going with .40 because someone told you it was the best thing out there----then get a 9mm instead.  It is just as effective, ammo is cheaper, and it is much more likely that you and your wife will practice with it.  (Plus, having 7+1 rounds instead of 6+1 is nice.) 

If, on the other hand, you are convinced that the .40 is simply better, then you should go with the caliber you want.  After all, the above is merely my opinion, and no one needs to listen to me.  :)

Just some thoughts...
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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2013, 10:23:13 PM »

The only shield I've come across in a local gun store was at Guns Unlimited, and unfortunately the whole thing is blue and made of plastic (I mean beyond polymer.  :) )

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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2013, 10:26:06 PM »
Local range here in Lincoln has a Shield 40 for $399 that I have been thinking about as well, but having shot a subcompact 40 previously, i know it to be a snappy little SoB. (that being said my current carry is a Kahr CW45)
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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2013, 10:29:10 PM »
Thank you for all of your input!

1) She will primarily carry in a purse.  She has shot well with a G27 several times so i am not all that concerned with a subcompact gun..as long as it is the right gun.  That being said I will have to look at the G23 and the M&P Compact.  The only reason I want her to try something different from the G27 is that it was a little to difficult to manipulate the slide lock and mag release.

The main reason i am looking at the Shield is that I know the standard M&P is a good gun and shoots well and i figured the Shield would be a good subcompact option.

2)Based on her having trouble with the mag release and slide lock on the G27 I am looking for a single stack..maybe (again depending on the gun.)  I don't think she will generally carry on her person and will mainly carry it in her purse.  She tends to carry smaller purses that would be to small to carry a full size and maybe even a compact.

3)I have tried to tell her that a 9mm would have more that enough stopping power, especially with hydrashock or critical defense.  She just feels more confident with .40 (in fact if there was a .45 subcompact she could handle she would prefer that).  I do know that I want her to stay away from .380 (just not confident in the round).

I plan on having her shoot a few other guns.  I will have to review the K9 and the Nano..She held the LC9 and she thought it felt awkward.  Personally I a carry a G22 for carry with a Nate Squared Tactical Professional Holster and unless you are trying to find it most people would not know i am carrying.  Unfortunately I think she is set on the .40.  I am currently thinking about a M&P 9mm to use on the range for myself.

At the end of the day we will have to find one that feels good in the hand and she can shoot well.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 10:33:47 PM by hembri2011 »

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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2013, 08:01:46 AM »
If you find yourself in Lincoln you are more than welcome to have her try my Kahr CW45.
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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2013, 08:10:59 AM »
Springfield Armory XDS Subcompact .45ACP- If she wants to go with the big ol hunk o lead.  Miss nnylrac on here can give a good review (once it comes back from 'upgrades' )  I have shot a couple of the XDS .45s and was pleasantly  surprised with the shoot-ability of a subcompact .45ACP (I personally thought it handled better than the full size XD.

I am following this thread as I too have been eyeing the Shield or M&P Compact. (My thought is to get a M&P full size 9mm for range/ competition use and carry a smaller version- either the compact or similar Shield-in a .40/.45 so as to have the fit and functions similar) 
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 01:12:00 PM by NE Bull »
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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2013, 09:41:11 AM »
Thank you for all of your input!

1) She will primarily carry in a purse.  She has shot well with a G27 several times so i am not all that concerned with a subcompact gun..as long as it is the right gun.  That being said I will have to look at the G23 and the M&P Compact.  The only reason I want her to try something different from the G27 is that it was a little to difficult to manipulate the slide lock and mag release.

The main reason i am looking at the Shield is that I know the standard M&P is a good gun and shoots well and i figured the Shield would be a good subcompact option.

The shield is a good one, no argument.  The G26/27 recoil, however, is significantly less than other subcompacts---she's going to find the other choices will have more muzzle flip.

For purse carry, though--unless she normally carries a tiny purse, you can normally get at least a compact there, if not a full-size, so why go smaller?

..but then I see...

2)Based on her having trouble with the mag release and slide lock on the G27 I am looking for a single stack..maybe (again depending on the gun.)  I don't think she will generally carry on her person and will mainly carry it in her purse.  She tends to carry smaller purses that would be to small to carry a full size and maybe even a compact.

"Have trouble" meaning "can't reach"?  Or "tough to operate"?  For example, many people I know have to turn the gun slightly in their hand to activate the mag catch, and many people that I know can't operate the slide stop lever (to drop the slide) until they put an extended lever on it.  That's actually fairly normal, and practice makes it straightforward.

Or did you mean difficulty when she is attempting to lock the slide back?  (That's normally a practice thing also, though not always.) 

If she is going with a subcompact, the G26/G27 frame is a great one---holds more rounds than most, less recoil, and surprisingly accurate for a gun that small. 

3)I have tried to tell her that a 9mm would have more that enough stopping power, especially with hydrashock or critical defense.  She just feels more confident with .40 (in fact if there was a .45 subcompact she could handle she would prefer that).  I do know that I want her to stay away from .380 (just not confident in the round).

I would actually suggest Federal HST or Winchester Ranger-T (whether in 9mm or .40) for a number of reasons.  The Hydra-Shoks just haven't quite kept up with the technology as well--and this is coming from someone who carried Hydra-Shoks religiously for years.

Obviously she should go with whatever she is more comfortable with---but I'll say that the only terminal difference between 9mm and .40 lies in the realm of penetrating intermediate barriers---which for civilian self-defense, just isn't really an issue. 

And boy, is there a cost difference for practice/self-defense ammo!

I plan on having her shoot a few other guns.  I will have to review the K9 and the Nano..She held the LC9 and she thought it felt awkward.  Personally I a carry a G22 for carry with a Nate Squared Tactical Professional Holster and unless you are trying to find it most people would not know i am carrying.  Unfortunately I think she is set on the .40.  I am currently thinking about a M&P 9mm to use on the range for myself.

I think the LC9 is weird-feeling, too.  And I'm personally not particularly impressed with the Nano, either.  However, plenty of people have them and shoot them, so since they are carrying regularly, I'm not going to argue with them.  :)

When she tried the G27, was it a Gen 3, or a Gen 4?  The Gen 4s have smaller grips, and I know a number of people who switched over to Glocks once the grips became smaller.  If she likes .40, the Gen 4 G23 or G27 might be a good choice (if the one she tried was a Gen 3.)

At the end of the day we will have to find one that feels good in the hand and she can shoot well.

...that she'll trust and want to shoot.  :)

Sounds like you've both put a lot of thought into it, so serious kudos for that.  As people have said, if you really want to go with the Shield, you might look at both the .40 and the .45 versions. 
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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 10:24:07 AM »
I do not believe S&W has made a 45 variant of the Shield yet. (Otherwise I would probably own it ;) )
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Re: M&P Shield .40 looking to try before i buy
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2013, 01:48:09 PM »
I do not believe S&W has made a 45 variant of the Shield yet. (Otherwise I would probably own it ;) )

Upon looking it up---nope, they haven't.  People really seem to want one, though. 

I'm thinking that some people just want a fatter gun with a lower capacity and more recoil for the same ballistic outcome, for some reason.   :)

.45 is a perfectly good round.  However, when going with a subcompact, I personally see no reason to make it harder to shoot with less capacity, unless there is some sort of measurable difference in effectiveness---which there isn't, between .45 and 9mm. 

Full-size .45?  Have fun!   Compact and subcompacts, though?  Humph.  I will admit the Glock 30 is a good solid gun.  But since I can carry a G19 of similar size with 15 rounds instead of 10, and it is easier to shoot well...?

I note that if I was military and was stuck with ball ammo, I'd be ALL ABOUT the .45 over the 9mm.  Not contest there at all. 
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