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Author Topic: True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)  (Read 6836 times)

Offline ProtoPatriot

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True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:18:55 AM »
Malum Prohibitum: conduct that constitutes an unlawful act only by virtue of statute. (in other terms, a dictators wet dream)

Malum In Se: conduct assessed as sinful or inherently wrong by nature, independent of regulations governing the conduct.

Right and wrong matter more than the legal aspect of things and rarely is the law in the right. It is morally right and imperative that most laws (especially the ones we have today) be broken and ignored.

The ONLY legitimate law is that of malum in se, all others have no validity. A child knows malum in se law...without even realizing what it is.

All malum prohibitum law does is give control and power to a governing body... exactly what elitist/socialists/liberal/progressive/etc. people want (it is their language after all). It does not make anyone safer or more secure. It does not protect or secure freedom/liberty/rights (which is the ONLY duty government has)... it only destroys it. The whole purpose of malum prohibitum law is to get compliance, it has no value, it has no bases to stand on... it is wrong in of itself.

Compliance is not a good thing... though how many have been tricked, brainwashed, guilt tripped, scared, etc. into believing it is?

And anyone and everyone that supports, complies, etc. have done nothing but given up their own rights/freedoms/liberties (not to mention given up the rights/freedoms/liberties of the children... which you have no authority/right/business to do)... for what? An iota of false security/safety that doesn't really exists?

So, if you support, comply, etc. any of the following laws/regulations/etc. at all...

Drug (it's your body, you can put what you want in it...and it doesn't matter what influence you are under, you are still responsible for what you do)
Alcohol (same as above, you are responsible for what you do regardless of any influence you may be under)
Weapon (all of them: bans, permits, background checks, paperwork, etc.)
Property (you own the property, you don't need a permit/license to do something on it)
Business (you don't need a permit/license/inspections to own or run a business... if you are wondering what right is being violated, a business is a piece of property, so it is someone's right of property that is being violated)
"Victimless crime" (there is simply no such thing as a "victimless crime"... you cannot victimize yourself... you can only victimize another person...and no victim means no crime)
Political correctness
Protest (you don't need to submit a plan and get a permit to conduct a protest...it is a right to do so... all these laws did was make protests useless as the system can no longer be shutdown in process of the protest and that is the only way a protest works for anything)

You have done nothing but given up rights/freedoms/liberties and are responsible and guilty of all the rights violations and crimes committed in their process. You also don't deserve the rights/freedoms/liberties you have so lavishly flaunted, abused, and taken for granted... you deserve nothing but the shackles you have created.

You don't give up liberty/freedom/rights in any amount for any amount of security/safety or anything else... no matter the risk... it's simply not worth it.

And by you not taking the REQUIRED risks to be free and pushing/supporting such malum prohibitum law/regulation...you infringe/attack/violate EVERYONE'S rights and thus YOU declare war on me, my family, freedom, and EVERYTHING MILLIONS HAVE DIED FOR TO SUPPORT WHAT THIS NATION WAS FOUNDED TO REPRESENT!!!

Those that stand-by and do nothing while an evil/wrong occurs are just as guilty of the evil/wrong as the one actually committing it... for you might as well be doing it yourself.

Talking/voting is doing nothing.

Government can only operate by force, nothing else, and so it must be met by force to counter it.

Violence solves everything. Violence is part of being human, just as much as breathing is...without it we would have been extinct long ago. In fact, violence is the ONLY way to stop violence. Violence is also the ONLY way to solve many problems in life... such as a tyrannical government or a school bully (you let them beat you once, they will just keep doing it, you must defend yourself by any means necessary to stop it).

All those people around the world believe they are free... they are not. Those in Europe, Australia, India, etc. merely had a loosening of their shackles, but they never took them off. The Founders of the US shattered their shackles...just to have people create and put new ones on after they were gone.

Freedom brought around by peaceful means is false and short lived.... it is merely a loosening of the shackles.
Freedom brought around by violence, blood, sweat and death is the shattering of the shackles and lasts a lengthy time...but must be refreshed from time to time.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 11:05:23 AM by ProtoPatriot »
The USA is a Republic...
This is a Democracy...
This is not the USA...

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Re: True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 11:11:58 AM »
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 08:49:50 PM by pianoman »
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Re: True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2013, 07:51:40 PM »
Cool story Bro

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Re: True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2013, 08:26:52 PM »
But, your post violates the user agreement
Violate this agreement again and I will have no choice but remove you from the forum permanently.

I was going to reply in detail to the original post (responding to a number of things that are in my opinion factual inaccuracies and logical fallacies) ----but, I'm thinking I'm just going to let it go instead.

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Offline ProtoPatriot

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Re: True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2013, 02:33:31 PM »
I was going to ignore this post...but then I decided, I'm not going to let you silence the truth.

Before suspending someone's account under false accusations, you might want to try talking to them first. But thank you for proving me right yet again.

I did not violate any part of the "user agreement" and now that I look it over again, the user agreement quite laughable, liberal/socialist, political correct joke of a document.

I would break the thing down and explain how ridiculous it is and how I did nothing at all in anything stated in the document... but that would require multiple posts and just not worth the time. Everything stated is absolutely true and factual.

All I did in this post was call people out and state what they were actually doing, it was in recognition of their actions...letting them know, their actions have not gone unnoticed. According to the reaction received...there appears to be a rather guilty consciences out there. People may not have "intended" to do those things, but that is what their actions did and continue to do... and that is all that matters.

Intent (along with emotions/feelings) are nothing more than thoughts and meaningless. Everyone has the right to have any and all thoughts, no matter what they are, regardless if anyone likes them or not. All that matters is whether the person acts on those thoughts and if they do harm or not... in other terms, their actions are all that matter.

Such laws have caused more problems they have solved, but people are looking at the wrong aspects of things, wanting so much to believe they are doing the right thing, when they are not. Most the laws are protecting people from their own stupidity and no one should protected from themselves. And yes, sometimes others are affected by these stupid people and that is called life, and those stupid people remain responsible regardless whether they realize what they did or not.

"Everyday some new do-gooder is trying to save us from ourselves. We have so many laws and safety commissions to ensure our safety that it seems nearly impossible to have an accident. The problem is that we need accidents, and lots of them.
Danger is nature's way of eliminating stupid people. Without safety, stupid people die in accidents...
With safety, however well-intentioned it may be, we are devolving into half-witted mutants, because idiots, who by all rights should be dead, are spared from their rightful early graves and are free to breed even more imbeciles.
Let's do away with safety and improve our species. Take up smoking. Jaywalk. Play with blasting caps. Swim right after a big meal. Stick something small in your ear. Take your choice of dangerous activity and do it with gusto. Future generations will thank you."

The mere fact is: safety is not worth it. Preemptive punishment for something that MIGHT happen - not that it will, that it might - is beyond wrong. People are only to be responsible for what they actually do and what goes on around them, not what might happen.

When you give someone else authority/power to protect you, you give absolute control over you. The government is not to protect individuals, they are to protect individual's rights...more specifically: protect individual's rights (yes, take the actual human out of it, this is why justice is to be blind) from the majorities and their own encroachment. The safety and well-being of the nation, not the majority and remember that the USA is individuals united, not a collective. Individualism: in others terms is also known as the ground up approach.

In a republic the majority doesn't get to vote away the rights of anyone....whatever nation this is, it is not a republic, it is a democracy. And being that the USA is a republic....where is the USA? Because this is not it, this vile thing mascaraing as the great USA is.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." --Thomas Jefferson

The majority is just as dangerous to freedom and tyrannical as any dictator or army.
The USA is a Republic...
This is a Democracy...
This is not the USA...

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Re: True law (malum in se) ... False law (malum prohibitum)
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2013, 05:20:04 PM »
I guess I knew that you couldn't take a hint, and your attitude has not improved.

Your opinion of our agreement does not negate the fact that you did agree to abide by it, and since you can not do so and remain true to yourself, we will have to part ways.