I like the part about how he will be reassigned to other duties outside the University as much as possible.
Could it be.......
That's the Very End Result That He Was After the Whole Time?
?Listen: That Guy is a Master Schemer!!!!
Go Figger: Say you get tired of students yawning in your face. And incredibly long, boring faculty meetings where all the faculty members are trying to give lectures to each other.....And term papers.....And trying to read your old lecture notes.....And you're behind in your grading....And it's days and weeks until Fall Break.
So--Just stand up and say Something Absolutely Outrageous (against the Right-of-Center, of course.)
Immediate suspension, with no real responsibilities. I mean--after all--what can a Professor actually
And then after his suspension and reassignment, This Guy Goes on
Sabbatical in January!!!!!
To Those Who Don't Know....
A Sabbatical is a Full Year of Sundays!!!! Paid Sundays.
Notes From an Insider.