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Ben Nelson's Response

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Dan W:
It matters not what they say, only what they do. Right now Nebraska is in better fiscal shape than nearly all other states, we have fared far better than most in this recession.

We have passed a lot of pro gun legislation in the last few years, and it was all on Hieneman's watch.

He said he would support gun owners, and he did. He demanded budget restraint and got it.

He may not have handled HHS that great, but it has been a mess for so long I am not sure it can be fixed. The state has overhauled the HHS system about 3 times in the last 10-12 years, and every time it got worse. My wife finally retired from the substance abuse treatment field, totally burnt out, a few years back.

I remember Hieneman coming out and supporting the CCW bill long before it had enough support to pass. If he was a puppet there, I guess we were pullin the strings...

That being said, I am not sure anyone can beat Nelson right now, but two years is a long time down the road

This entire country is at a loss for any real leadership, regardless of party affiliation.  Does anyone see leaders of the like of Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, or the ilk of the founding fathers who put their country and ideals ahead of their own purse strings or national party?  I see no real American leadership from either political party, let alone anyone with the character of someone like Winston Churchill or Dwight Eisenhower. 

Instead the so-called national media (I?d call it liberal media) makes sure anyone with convictions will NOT be allowed any airtime or publicity what so ever.

Instead of doing what is right for these United States of America, we are saddled with professional politicians that are more worried about being re-elected.  They all stand with their fingers in the wind trying to figure out how to please whatever group they are told might be the largest group of voters.  Only three things motivate them: money, publicity and re-election.  Where is honor, duty, country?
What was turn out for the last election? 25-30% of the population determining a presidential election?  Give me a break.  That isn?t a majority by any means ? what it is apathy.  The system has become so disgusting that the majority of people in this country don?t even want to participate.

We will be seeing more and more Ben Nelsons who had a chance to represent Nebraska & the US, but instead choose to represent their national political party when they vote.

It?s a pathetic situation Americans have allowed to happen.

We desperately need to take back our country.

Now that's what I call a good first post.  ;D

Welcome, glad to have you with us.

armed and humorous:
I agree.  Welcome.  I wouldn't worry too much about how many people vote, though.  The fewer people who vote, the more yours counts.  Nowadays, the polls are pretty accurate most of the time, so whatever they predict usually happens.  It doesn't matter if there are 200 million voters, or two hundred.  The percentage for one candidate or another is about the same.

Armed & Humorous wrote: ?The polls are prettly accurate...?  I sincerely hope you?re being sarcastic.  (It?s hard to tell on forums and email without knowing someone personally.)

Is that why in every presidential election for the past 40+yrs, the media tells us the democrat candidate is ALWAYS in the lead?  Every year, during the primaries right up to election day.  Yes, they shift numbers slightly so that by election day they announce the polls are closer to 55/45% but they ALWAYS give the lead to the democrat, it?s just a matter of what size lead they think they can get away with at the time.

That shows the polls are accurate?????

The media doesn?t report the news any more at all.  Instead, they try to influence the outcome with all these ridiculous polls.  Year after year the conservative ?red? states far out number the ?blue? states, yet the polls supposedly tell us different.

Polling questions can be set up to give ANY outcome wanted: ?Do you sometimes agree with so-and-so?? or ?Do you sometimes disagree with so-and-so??  Those two questions give far different results.  The first response they will tell you so-and-so is well liked.  The second: that so-and-so has low approval ratings.

They used to ask, ?Do you agree/disagree for the most part with so-and-so??  Now they don?t even do that, as the results are predetermined by who is paying for the poll to be done.

What polls really are: is BS.  

Polling companies love polls: that is how they make their money and justify their existence.  They will tell you how very important and accurate they are.  

Evidently politicians buy into them because they are too lazy to actually ask/listen to their constituents.  And, perhaps, it is because they have no core beliefs/values of their own to guide them.  Right or wrong isn?t even an issue any more, and seldom is what is good or bad for the country even a consideration.  No leadership, no ethics, no backbones.

Why anyone puts stock in polls is beyond my comprehension.


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