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So sent Cheif Peshong a e-mail....
Is there no legal recourse?
--- Quote from: hangarflying on December 06, 2013, 09:58:25 AM ---Is there no legal recourse?
--- End quote ---
For what? Not signig?
--- Quote from: tstuart34 on December 06, 2013, 12:29:52 PM ---Quote from: hangarflying on Today at 09:58:25 AM
Is there no legal recourse?
For what? Not signig?
--- End quote ---
Certainly seems plausible. By refusing to sign is that infringing upon a persons 2nd Amendment rights?
Let's look at what the CLEO signature is suppose to identify. It is suppose to verify two things.
1. ) I have no information indicating that the transferee will use the firearm or device described on this application for other than lawful purposes.
2. ) I have no information that the receipt or possession of the firearm or device described in item 4 would be place the transferee in violation of State or local law.
Interesting idea, an individual suing the CLEO for a civil rights violation because they did not sign even though there was no information that the transferee would use the firearm unlawfully or there would be any law violation from the possession. HMMMM......
i've been thinking about this approach. but we should see how ATF 41P plays out.
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