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Armed Carry Website
In order to help consolidate information on what businesses/places allow firearms, I created a free website at Please take a look and start posting businesses you know either allow, or don't allow, the carry of weapons. Soon, this information will be pushed to an iPhone app that will send a notification on your phone when you approach a prohibited business. I've posted a couple of places in Lincoln as an example.
Right now, I've only created Lincoln and Omaha in Nebraska, but will add towns/cities as needed. I have a few major towns in Oklahoma as well since I used to live there and will be letting them know about the website too.
Please let me know your thoughts!
Love the concept. I have an app on my android called 'safe to carry'. It doesn't have much info for Omaha from what I've seen but its along the same idea. I would love to know in advance before traveling somewhere. So far I've been googling everywhere I have been thinking about going. A few days ago I had to veto a trip to toys r us to spend my hard earned holiday cash at a firearm friendly store.
Just downloaded that app to test and you are right, not much of anything in this area. However, it does depend on users to submit information. I think where mine will have an advantage is having an associated website with the same information. It takes the concept of "" and combines it with the app.
You can also include contact information for the business so we can "encourage" them to change their policies.
Yessir. I just headed over to your website & I will start keeping track of who wants my business & who doesn't
I for one, appreciate the effort.
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