This guy is an idiot. He thinks tourists should safeguard themselves by avoiding stays in Arizona. I think tourists now are the safest among the nation in Arizona because they can arm themselves. Its the other states that restrict people from carrying weapons that would jeopardize tourists.
Carrying of a loaded weapon at a political event does not bother me in the least. People have a RIGHT not a priviledge to carry weapons, and that should not be any different at a political event. This behavior does not jeopardize democracy as Mr. Fromm contends, instead it is the policies of the administration and Federal government that threaten democracy. Armed Protesters at these events are actually and appropriate response to the government's infringements. As long as they do not start shooting at other protesters, there is no problem. The government ought to fear the people. They keep wanting to dish out, maybe its time to stop being pansies and complaining about intimidation. They need to back off our rights, and stop infringing on them, and cease and desist violating the constitution. Their stupid healthcare bill violates the 10th Amendment.