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Author Topic: Is Costco in Omaha posted...  (Read 2990 times)

Offline Wymore Wrangler

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Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« on: November 16, 2013, 12:12:18 PM »
We are thinking about going to Sarah Palin's book signing on the 22nd at Costco, is it posted no ccw???

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 12:18:33 PM »
No. They were all posted after the incident in Las Vegas where a permit holder acting erratically was killed by police at a Costco. The signs have since been taken down.

I don't know if the membership agreement includes a no gun provision or not.

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 08:59:56 AM »
A friend of mine that works there and I were just talking about this yesterday.
They are a gun free store according to him.
I'd recommend emailing or just calling the store to be certain.

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2013, 09:33:53 AM »
I have not seen conspicuously posted signage when entering Costco.

Offline skydve76

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2013, 12:13:43 PM »
I have not seen conspicuously posted signage when entering Costco.

They have to comply with the law to be a gun free zone.

Offline Mudinyeri

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2013, 04:10:11 PM »
I haven't been there in a couple years - since shortly after the shooting at the Las Vegas store - however, the last time I went there was a sign outside the inner doors.  I cancelled my membership when I found the no weapons clause in the membership agreement.  Odd that Sarah Palin is having a book signing there.  Personally, I won't darken the doors.

Offline ragedefined

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2013, 04:35:57 PM »
i do not have a membership here but i will say that i have called sams here in omaha and i have been given the green light to open carry in their establishment. I am not a big fan of walmart or anything associated with it but the fact they let me open carry is a plus. They don't have any "no guns signs" posted and i have never had an issue open carrying at walmart or sams.
i always call management before i go somewhere I'm not 100% sure how they will feel about it.

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2013, 04:53:17 PM »
also topic on the posting conspicuously. if an establishment does not have any signage posted at their establishment and you are unaware of their gun "rules", you can carry their until told otherwise. if there is no signage but you have been told you cannot carry there, either by corporate or management, at a previous time,  then they have the legal option to file charges against you. If there IS signage and you decide to carry there and get caught, they have the legal option to charge you without a previous warning from management.

Best Buy for example, they are anti gun. no conceal or open carry allowed.
They do NOT have any signage on their doors at all or anywhere…
so if you carry there and don't know they are anti gun, they would only be able to give you a warning for next time and ask you to leave or go put your weapon in the car.
It is not law, in Nebraska, for a company or establishment to have a "No guns sign" in plain sight if they do not allow guns on their property. Always talk to your favorite companies and make sure they are pro gun establishments. They don't always have to advertise they are against the 2nd.

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2013, 07:45:32 PM »
also topic on the posting conspicuously. if an establishment does not have any signage posted at their establishment and you are unaware of their gun "rules", you can carry their until told otherwise. if there is no signage but you have been told you cannot carry there, either by corporate or management, at a previous time,  then they have the legal option to file charges against you. If there IS signage and you decide to carry there and get caught, they have the legal option to charge you without a previous warning from management.

I'm not sure that is quite true.  Or at least, the way it is stated is misleading.

Being charged with illegally carrying in a posted place and being charged with trespass are two VERY different things. 

If you carry in a posted place and get caught, the first charge occurs. 

If you carry in a non-posted place, and get asked to leave and then don't leave, you can be charged with trespass.  If you are officially notified that carrying a firearm on the premises is illegal and you later return with a firearm (concealed or otherwise) you might potentially be charged with trespass.

Two separate issues, two different charges, with two very different sets of consequences.
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Offline ragedefined

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2013, 07:56:38 PM »
I've had my lawyers look into this issue for me because i wasn't 100% sure about it.
It's trespassing if you do not leave the premise when asked but if you are caught with a gun in a no gun zone you can be charged with lower to mid misdemeanor for bringing a weapon to a no gun zone. Being told to leave and getting caught with a gun in a no gun zone are two different things.
They have the power to charge you if you get caught with a gun in a no gun zone.

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2013, 09:46:49 PM »
I think we would all be shocked how many businesses are anti-gun.  Especially chain stores that have a national policy in place.  Hotels are one example that came up in another thread.  Someone was digging into one hotel chain's rules and found a no-gun policy.  Dig deep enough and I bet you most hotels are the same.  DON'T ASK about a policy, DON'T VOLUNTEER that you have a gun, and DEFINITELY DON'T GO DIGGING for a policy.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2013, 05:45:23 AM »
I've had my lawyers look into this issue for me because i wasn't 100% sure about it.
It's trespassing if you do not leave the premise when asked but if you are caught with a gun in a no gun zone you can be charged with lower to mid misdemeanor for bringing a weapon to a no gun zone. Being told to leave and getting caught with a gun in a no gun zone are two different things.
They have the power to charge you if you get caught with a gun in a no gun zone.
Are you certain?  Because the regulations and the Nebraska State Statutes say differently.

NSP Regulations:  https://statepatrol.nebraska.gov/media/10070/ccwregs.pdf
018.04 A person, entity, or employer in control of a place or premises described in Section 018.01O above, which is open to the public, may prohibit permit holders from carrying concealed handguns in the place or premises by posting a conspicuous notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in or on the place or premises or by making a request, directly or through an authorized representative or management personnel, that the permit holder remove the concealed handgun from the place or premises.

002.13 “Posted conspicuous notice” shall mean a clearly visible sign posted at each public entrance to a place or premises open to the public which shall clearly
state that concealed handguns are not allowed in the place or on the premises.
A recommended format for the sign can be found in Section 018.04 of these

And being officially contacted by management in a non-posted place doesn't immediately give them the ability to charge you. 

NE State Statutes:  http://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=69-2441
69-2441 (2) If a person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or an employer in control of the property prohibits a permitholder from carrying a concealed handgun into or onto the place or premises and such place or premises are open to the public, a permitholder does not violate this section unless the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has posted conspicuous notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in or on the place or premises or has made a request, directly or through an authorized representative or management personnel, that the permitholder remove the concealed handgun from the place or premises.
Now, this is different than if a place is off-limits by statute.  They don't have to post schools, government buildings, the post office, etc.  But, that isn't the subject of this thread.  Private businesses not on the list DO either 1) have to post, or 2) inform you officially first before you can be charged.

Merely "being there" in a private business that wants to be anti-self-defense but hasn't posted and hasn't officially informed you is not sufficient, according to the law.
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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2013, 06:59:07 AM »
Always the "simpleton" in the crowd, I repeat...."Concealed is concealed"....

Offline ragedefined

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2013, 07:47:43 AM »
Yeah. That's pretty much what I was saying. They MAY post signage, they don't have to if they don't want guns in their stores. If there's no signage and you don't know they are anti gun then they must first tell you, if you repeat yourself and get caught with one again knowing their policy. They then have the option to charge you

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2013, 03:33:23 PM »
In the for what it's worth department, I went to Omaha Costco store today and looked at the signage. There was at one time a very "Loud and Clear" no weapons declaration staring me in the face...it has been removed and now there is no mention that I could see.

Offline Mudinyeri

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Re: Is Costco in Omaha posted...
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2013, 11:54:02 AM »
In the for what it's worth department, I went to Omaha Costco store today and looked at the signage. There was at one time a very "Loud and Clear" no weapons declaration staring me in the face...it has been removed and now there is no mention that I could see.

Well, that's something I guess.  Perhaps Erik Scott's life was not lost entirely in vain.  Still, a terrible loss.

Signs or not, I'll never set foot in another Costco.