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Suttle's Joined "Mayors Against Illegal Guns"

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--- Quote from: armed and humorous on August 17, 2009, 04:54:09 PM ---What I do have a problem with is the people who try to make criminals out of people for simply owning or carrying guns.

--- End quote ---

I agree. This is one of the big problems right there. Lets not punish people for having the mere ability to defend themselves or cause harm, lets punish people when they actually do cause harm or brake the basic laws such as theft, burglary, robbery, assault, rape, murder, arson. If anybody who can legally own a gun can carry one (concealed or unconcealed) without needing a permit than we would be better off as a society. More criminals would get shot or fended off by defensive firearm use while committing a crime, resulting in less crime because people will think twice and thus less people to put in prison.

Dark Helmet:
oh good grief... I didn't know Buetler was on the list...

hmmmm, I'm thinking letter-writing campaign is in order to innundate these guys.

someone have a sample so i don't have to think up something civil?

Ralston's Mayor Donald Groesser is a member also.

Any NFOA members live in Ralston?  Time to send some letters!

My Dad and I were talking about this the other day (he is a retired Green Beret with 2 tours in Vietnam and a tour in Korea) and he thinks that gangs should be labeled as terrorists (and I have to agree with him that they are), and spec ops should be assigned to go in and wipe them out.

One good special operator should be able to take out an entire gang with the right intelligence.

To me that honestly makes a lot more sense than any gun control measure I've ever heard of, and would be a huge incentive to the uneducated kids in the area to try to get an education, get out of their ghetto lifestyle, and do something productive.

9/11 was a huge wake up call to America (which has probably been mostly forgotten), but we have terrorists right here in Omaha in my opinion.


Gunfun, be careful with what you ask for as far as .gov power is concerned:  Government troops killing citizens, no matter how poorly behaved is a VERY dangerous thing.   

Think about it:  What if your Government labeled gun owners as domestic terrorists?  They ALREADY have, only they used the word "potential" to water it down.......

Don't let the Government use any problem, no mater how big or small, to stomp on this or that group's rights, or you will one day find that the group that gets stomped upon is you.


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