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Author Topic: ENPS Yearly Shooting Awards...  (Read 1223 times)

Offline JTH

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ENPS Yearly Shooting Awards...
« on: December 30, 2013, 05:42:28 PM »
It occurs to me that we've had enough growth in the number of shooters who come out to the USPSA, Steel Challenge, and Multigun matches at ENGC that many people may not realize that we keep stats on everyone throughout the year...

...and give out awards during the yearly banquet.  (Which, for the 2013 shooting year, is coming up on Saturday, January 11th.)

How are these stats done?

For each of the three shooting disciplines, we keep records of how every shooter did in every match, in terms of final match percentage.  And then we add them all up at the end of the year, as if the entire year's worth of matches were one large match of many stages. 

And then we give awards based on how you did overall, and for your class. 

In USPSA, we count the scores of the best eight matches you shot.  (There were 11 matches counted, so if you shot them all, we dropped the lowest 3.  If you only shot 8 matches, we counted them all.  If you shot less than eight, we still counted them all, but someone who shot slightly less well than you but who actually made it to eight might end up better---consider that incentive to come to more matches!)

In Steel Challenge, there were 5 matches, and we counted the best three.  (In 2014, there will be 6 matches, and we'll count the best four.)

In Multigun, there were 6 matches, and we counted the best four.  (In 2014, there will be 5 matches, and we'll count the best three.)

For Steel Challenge and Multigun, we give awards to the top three shooters in each division within the sport.  For USPSA, we give awards based on standard USPSA rules.  High Overall for each division, then class awards if there were enough shooters in a class.

This, by the way, is why some people stay shooting within one single division all year, instead of switching guns periodically to try something new---your scores are added up by division, so if you shoot USPSA 8 times, but half in Limited-10 and half in Production, your final year-end score will be less than it would have been had you stayed in one division, because the divisions are all scored (and awarded) separately.

We've got the 2014 shooting schedule up on the ENPS website at http://www.easternnebraskapracticalshooters.com/2014/2014-Schedule.pdf

Shooting starts this coming Sunday with USPSA pistol match #1.  Pick a division, and make sure you get at least 8 matches in for best score.  Add at least four Steel Challenge or three Multigun matches (or both!) for best chances to win an award in those sports, too!

Then make sure to come to the ENPS Banquet for lots of good food, conversation, laughter, and the awards.  (There may be a door prize or two, you never know. :) )

See you on the range!
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Offline OnTheFly

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Re: ENPS Yearly Shooting Awards...
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 07:37:36 PM »
You conveniently forgot to mention the koozies.   ;D

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Offline JTH

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Re: ENPS Yearly Shooting Awards...
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 11:42:34 PM »
You conveniently forgot to mention the koozies.   ;D

Some awards should be a surprise.  :)
Precision Response Training