General Categories > Hunting and Fishing

Oh yeah!!!

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Thanks for fixing that for me Jessie. I can't figure out how to get pics up.  If I could get it to work I'd post the big ass crappies that we have taken out of this place.

--- Quote from: LitlRat on August 19, 2009, 09:43:32 AM ---If you ate that, would it be considered canibalism? ;D

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You so funny. Not. ;D

Jesse T:
if you click modify on your first post you can see what i changed


17 inch Crappie. Had one about 19 inch up to the boat earlier this year but he got off.


--- Quote from: Rich B on August 19, 2009, 09:33:56 AM ---What kind of gun is that?  ;)

--- End quote ---

4 Bore Bucketmouth?

armed and humorous:
So, where'd you find that miniature ruler?  :)


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