Also, if there is time, we will allow for a second gun entry. But per the IDPA Classifier rules, the second gun cannot be for the same division. Example, one gun can be a 9mm for SSP and/or ESP, and a second gun can be a .45 for CDP or a revolver for SSR or ESR.
Thus, IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING SHOOTING A SECOND GUN, THEN YOU CAN DO ANOTHER ONLINE REGISTRATION…WHEN DOING SO, ENTER YOUR IDPA NUMBER WITH THE LETTERS “SG” AT THE END OF YOUR NUMBER…for example, your first entry is probably A12345, and your second entry would be A12345SG, and you would obviously be selecting a gun division that is different than your first entry (e.g., CDP instead of SSP or ESP).
As such, I can have your paperwork (scoresheets) prepped in advance, but we would only collect payment for the first gun ($20) between 7:15am-8:40am. The second gun payment ($10) would be made later on during the match once the SOs and I have an idea on the flow of shooters relative to the 9:00am-4:00pm time that we have reserved at ENGC for the match.
For folks who are not IDPA members, you would just register a second time, but obviously you would be choosing a different division…and I would know from the program’s date/time of registration which is your first choice of gun to shoot.