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Teachers carrying guns

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Chris Z:

The big school districts are already speaking against this, have not read the bill yet, and obviously they lack common sense.

This bill would create a Level II permit, which would require additional training before a teacher could carry a gun in a school. It requires a minimum 24 hours of training in these topics:

1) Strategies and responses in an active shooter situtation
2) weapon retention
3) effective evacuation
4) barricading and evasion
5) interacting with law enforcement in an active shooter situation
6) must demonstrate competency in a simulated active shooter situation.

What these School Administrator Geniuses don't understand, is that this is more training in this specific topic than MANY Police Officers on the street have (Especially in the smaller communities)

Wow what a balanced article  ::)

I'm a teacher, CHP holder and instructor.  I'm all for allowing teachers with a CHP to carry in schools.  If I've got to take extra training so that I can defend myself at school, so be it.  I didn't see an intelligent response (except Andy's) in that article.  Kids getting ahold of an unsecured gun?!  And that from our governor?  Laughable that he thinks armed teachers will put their guns in their (unlocked, apparently) desks. 

“I would say there has been absolutely zero interest in arming teachers,” said Nancy Fulton, the association's president. “We are very opposed to having any type of gun in school.”

Well Nancy, you don't represent me.  I'm opposed to having someone bend on killing me and my students being the only one with a gun at my school. 

I'm disappointed that Sen. Christensen's bill would require teacher to have a vote of approval from the school's governing board.  State laws should be followed by any entity getting state funds... if not they should lose the funding.

Maybe if we convince the Cobra teachers could use them to protect students from mountain lions it would fly right through :laugh:

As opinions are like belly buttons and butt's my two cents....  I adamantly OPPOSE any "special" regulations arming teachers, school personnel, etc. beyond the simple fact if one has a CHP, one should be allowed to carry on school grounds .....period.  A couple of from the hip points.....
1) For some reason people (some gun owners included) believe there is something "magical" about the physical grounds in which education occurs.  That we need to worry any more about an "unattended" gun, or some form of Ninja training is going to make one "equivalent" to a LEO and their response.  How are the "hallowed school grounds any different than a shopping mall, zoo, public parks full of kids/tweens?
2) Let's say we agreed on the random made up 24 hours of extra training.  Great.  Will there be an annual qualification to ensure retention and memory of skills? LEOs have to (and sometimes 2 x a year) and those quals are minimalist at best (Would Governor Heineman feel children were safe if the former Plattsmouth Chief of Police was guarding the schools .....some of you know what I mean).  I know a couple of educators on this forum who can far out shoot, navigate an active shooter event, exercise critical thinking during a "Critical Dynamic Incident" (like that one jthapkido :)), and make me feel our children are much safer than many LEOs ( no disrespect intended). 
3) The idea of former military being up to snuff to provide security in schools is another bogus concept.  Having been a former Naval officer, shot the quals for pistol and rifle, spent a lot of my time with the Marine Corps civilians need to understand the military is designed to teach and wreak maximum destruction on the enemy.  Collateral damage is an accepted part of the equation.  I knew very few folks (most Spec Warfare) who I'd feel were up to snuff in any active shooter scenario.
4) I'm going to puke if I hear the age old reply....."we need to start somewhere, then can build on that".  Kind of like Congress extending the debt ceiling a couple of months and then fix it later on ......

NE Bull:
I agree with you on points 1 2 and 3.  My take is if mandating the "extra" training is part of what it takes to get folks to take a serious look at this bill, I'm for it.  One of the biggest issues with Sen. Christensen's previous bill was that it was too vague. (But, at least it got people talking.)  This time the Senator has went back and did his best to answer concerns, fill in the holes so to speak.  This is such a hot topic, I would love to see it hit the floor and be properly debated.


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