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Saw Lone Survivor on Sunday

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I went and saw Lone Survivor on Sunday around noon... the theater was packed! I was really surprised to see that many people on a Sunday morning movie.

It was two hours of intensity. I encourage anyone who goes to see it to read the book. The heroism of the fallen SEALs was kept true, but other details were changed.

For example, Marcus Luttrell broke his back after falling down the mountain. He then proceeded to crawl for 7 miles. It’s an amazing feat that I could not understand why they left out until I heard a bunch of Marcus’s interviews. It sounds like he wanted the movie to be more about his teammates than him.
I highly recommend it!

P.S. Bring plenty of tissues… Of course, I’m a man, so I don’t/can’t cry like a baby…

One of the guys in the office was just telling me about it.  He went in just expecting a regular action movie but was blown away by the story.

I've heard great things about it (with also some requisite complaining from others which is actually a good sign, considering who was whining) and I'll go, even though I can't stand whiny anti-gun assaultive punk Marky Mark. 


Some details in the movie are "altered for Hollywood," being different from the book.  Some details in the book differ from the official reports.  Nonetheless, from what I hear, the important parts of the story, the parts from which we should gather meaning are all true to the spirit of what occurred.

I'll be going.  (Just chaps my hide a bit to give money to Wahlberg.)


--- Quote from: jthhapkido on January 13, 2014, 10:57:19 AM ---Some details in the movie are "altered for Hollywood," being different from the book.  Some details in the book differ from the official reports.  Nonetheless, from what I hear, the important parts of the story, the parts from which we should gather meaning are all true to the spirit of what occurred.

--- End quote ---

I saw the movie on Sunday as well.  In some respects, I think the movie was closer to actual events than the book.  (I've also read the book.)

While this is obviously a great story of survival (on Luttrell's part) and a also great reminder that our freedoms aren't free, I'd give the movie maybe a C+/B-.  Worth seeing, but go to a matinee to save money.

Sometimes hard to take him serious as an actor....


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