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Author Topic: Crime study: Handguns, not 'assault rifles,' used in most mass shootings  (Read 565 times)

Offline unfy

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Ok, so the headline of this is... weird given the content.

The headline appears to be a bait and switch or something.  It discusses several myths portrayed by the media & politicians ... and argues against them.  It's... a confusing article given it's headline :D


Media hype about mass shootings in America has fostered a myth that the killings are on the rise and that an assault weapon ban, expanded background checks and greater attention to the mentally ill will curb a rampaging epidemic, according to an authoritative and exhaustive study by a noted criminologist.

Instead, according to James Alan Fox, author and criminology professor at Northeastern University, mass shootings have remained stagnant over 34 years, averaging 20 a year, and few were committed by the type of berserk psychos portrayed by the media.
hoppe's #9 is not the end all be all woman catching pheramone people make it out to be ... cause i smell of it 2 or 3 times a week but remain single  >:D