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Like to read fiction ?

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Thanks for the heads up.  I tried to start reading the first one some time ago, but the writing quality and storyline were..... Well......  Let's say they weren't quite up to the quality of the stuff penned by that fellow there in my avatar pic.

But for "free" I might try to give 'em a go again. 

I am about 1/2 way through EBFD and I am still trying to decide if it is fiction or non-fiction.   The STU extension of the ATF, which set up a Viet Name Vet relic as a shooter who climbed four stories of a support frame work in order to fire an old SKS 1,200 yds, looping the bullets over the stadium wall and into the crowd,  so they could blame "militia" (a.k.a. Constitution nuts),  reminds me of the "Fast and Furious" false flag operation   In fact, while written only two years ago, the author writes more like a historian who changed the names from VIPR to "FIST", and the names of the AG and the President, whose "E.O.'s" are called "Directives".    Right now I am favoring non-fiction.

If y'all missed it the 1st time, Matt is doing it again.

Monday, July 14 thru Wednesday July 16, his "Enemies" trilogy is available free for download via Kindle.

Got books 1 and 3, but book 2 is still $6.99.  Thanks for the heads up.

He plans on doing book 2 on Friday. Amazon only allows him so much ability to do this according to him.


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