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Found another read, that seems to have some intrigue to it, even thou I started on chapter 15 before going back to the start.


--- Quote from: kozball on September 12, 2014, 01:57:56 PM ---Found another read, that seems to have some intrigue to it, even thou I started on chapter 15 before going back to the start.

--- End quote ---

Interesting.  I found myself reading all 25 chapters today.  BUT, the 25th chapter isn't the end of the book.  ???
 William S. Lind, the author, has some interesting theories about how the dissolution of the US will take place, and he is pretty confident that it will dissolve, but his time line, IMO, is much too long.  When things begin to happen they  tend to happen fast.   He has the "climax" occurring over a period of several years, ending around  2026-27.   I don't think it will take that long.

Igor Nikolaevich Panarin,  a Russian professor and political scientist, predicted the disintegration of the USA into six parts in 2010, conceived by him as early as 1998 but only gaining world attention in 2008, following the burst of the housing bubble.  He's scenerio was much too quick.   He may have been 10 years too soon.  The next bubble to burst is the money bubble.  The Feds have been "printing" money by the Trillions of dollars, creating the bubble.  The stock market highs are caused  the rich investors soaking up the freshly "printed" (it's all done electronically, not by presses) money.  When the bubble bursts the market will collapse and all that money will be worthless.

Like Lind, I see the US coming apart, but within the next 5 to 10 years.  The burst of the money bubble. collapse of the Dollar leading to its rejection as a "World Reserve Currency" and hyper-inflation will trigger the breakup.   This civil unrest is what the Federal government has been training for.  It is why the military is giving its equipment to local police and National Guard units for.  It was what they've been practicing for when they deployed Marines to patrol streets an a small town  in Georgia, or staged major drills over Miami, Huston, L.A., and Minneapolis.   They are deploying weapons and stockpiles all around the country in preparation for a major breakdown in civilian authority and massive increases in civil unrest caused by the economic collapse.  The first and major task most people will face is staying alive during the first three months after the burst.  Grocery shelves, gas pumps, drug stores, and hardware stores will be emptied out within the first 24 to 48 hours.  So will guns and ammo shelves in sporting goods stores.  Water and electric utilities will become intermittent.  If fresh water stops flowing through the pipes folks have seven days to find new supplies or they'll die of thirst.  They can survive for up to three weeks without food, but the longer they go the weaker they'll get and the more mentally disoriented they'll become.  At about one month in, massive starvation will begin taking a toll on the population.  The elderly, the sick, the lame, the handicap, etc., those who cannot take care of themselves,  will be the first to die.  Many will show up at the FEMA camps begging for food and water.  Most, the politically incorrect, won't get any.   It won't be pretty.   Unlike Lind, I do not see small groups of states forming independent sovereign nation-states with all ending well for them.    A small but vicious gang of federal bureaucrats are already stomping on the little people because they can.  In a collapse their heads would try to take the core units of such bureaucracies to be their own little gang thugs.  Look at what's happened down in Mexico.  Small but heavily armed gangs of thugs run by vicious and extremely violet drug lords controlling everything and everyone, using fear and intimidation. If you've been keeping up on the news you know that the drug lords are using ISIS tactics -- they are beheading their enemies.

Also, Unlike Lind, I do not see the Russians coming to the aid of any state of group of states which may succeed from the Union.   They would probably use the disharmony to invade Alaska and "reclaim" Alaska.   The Alaska National Guard, and the military bases there, have nukes.  They'd use them in their own self-defense.  Russia will fire back.  China will invade along with Russia.  Both Marxist states (the cold war HAS returned) will join to wipe out America.

I did the same thing today. My hope is that there will be more chapters
to come. I put a bookmark on the site and will come back later.

I agree that the dollar will be the catalist that starts the fall. We are close to the the 8 year crash cycle now.

I don't understand why China would join with Russia and India to crash the petro-dollar. Our economy supports China's. No Yankee dollars and they  crash.

Local Local Local

All of this " fiction " seems to make more sence everyday.


Fiction Hmmmmm???


--- Quote from: farmerbob on September 14, 2014, 10:33:23 PM ---

Fiction Hmmmmm???

--- End quote ---

Most people do not know, or realize, that Hitler was a Socialist.   The Nazi Socialist Party.  Like all Socialist groups they fight other Socialist groups to settle who will be the "proletariat dictator" for life.   Obama would fight Hitler, not over principles, but over power, to settle the question of who would rule.  Hitler built a superior military machine.  It's main weakness was ... Hitler, who gave orders based on political ideology, not reality.  Obama has taken the most powerful military machine the world has ever known and reduced it to a shadow of its former self, for exactly the same reason, allowing ideology to trump reason.  It's one thing to make others wear PC glasses, but it is an entirely different thing to put them on ones self voluntarily.


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