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Like to read fiction ?

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--- Quote from: kozball on January 15, 2014, 01:13:14 PM ---Today only, Matt Bracken has his trilogy for FREE on Kindle download.

Thanks, kozball...   8)
--- End quote ---

Never heard of Bracken, but the titles are intriguing.  I have a kindle and the price is right.  Thanks koz


--- Quote from: shooter on January 16, 2014, 01:08:05 AM ---damn, don't have kindle or a cell phone

--- End quote ---


Kindle is a program that you download to the PC that you are using here to make posts. It is a free program from Amazon in hopes that you will spend some greenbacks by purchasing reading material for a fraction of the hardcover cost. E-books as you will versus hard bound books that cost more.

Here is a link to the Kindle program. Just find the correct tab for your operating system.

And, I see that Bracken has 2 more items listed today only. Get them also.


Thanks Koz.  Sweet deal.  Downloaded all three last night.  3 chapters in and good read so far.  Just downloaded these new two.   For the ignorant (meaning me), is there a time limit to read these or are the permanent downloads? 


I bought my copy of EFAD about 2 yrs ago, and it is still in my Library. So i guess you have it forever as long as you keep the same account and login.

Good read. I would like to hear your thoughts when you finish. Just want to know if I was the only person mumbling to myself after I finished.



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