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Wind Warnings Out Today 1-16-2014

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It is possible we will have winds approaching 60mph or more this evening.  That kind of wind can snap trees, lift off roofs, and do damage like downed power lines.

As you drive and park your car, or walk about in this wind storm, be ever mindful to be careful.

At least its cooler than the hot air coming out of D.C. e.g. Jeff Fortenberry's justification for voting FOR the appropriations bill......

NE Bull:
Forgot the boat, I think my gun safe just blew away!


--- Quote from: bullit on January 16, 2014, 03:41:24 PM ---At least its cooler than the hot air coming out of D.C. e.g. Jeff Fortenberry's justification for voting FOR the appropriations bill......

--- End quote ---

That's nothing compared to Sen. Chamber's blathering today. I'm pretty sure senility has fully set in.

WOWT Flash...  4:00 PM United Airlines suspended service to Eppley due to wind..


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