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Sheriff's departments
I heard from someone that knows a sheriff dep. that the feds were making them become Fed. Marshals by threatening to withhold funding , he said this Dep. would quit the Dept. before doing so ! Is this true ?
Can someone give us a better account of this story other than a "friend of a person of a person I know" kind of source? I too have heard a rumor along this line but have no factual information to go on. A full story citing reference would be interesting and informative to read. :)
Tim McBride:
This link will get you lots of videos of sheriff offices standing up to the feds.
My guess would be that it started when the Fed wanted to push a bunch of restrictions on people like us. The Sheriff's stood up and said no way. Someone started a rumor that they would be turned into Marshall's which in turn would essentially mean they would have to enforce the Federal Laws or get fired and replaced by another Marshall who would.
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