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Would anyone be interested in IDPA Indoor Matches at the new Take Aim range?

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--- Quote from: Aldo on February 03, 2014, 11:14:09 PM ---Thanks for the response.  Will keep y'all posted.

Definitely the ENGC Classifier Match will be an excellent venue!!

Are you an IDPA member?

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No, not yet

I would likely attend, depending on when the matches are held.

This would be quite a bit closer than Lincoln to me and thus much more convenient!

I shot the last match at Thunder Alley.

I am not an IDPA member.

RE:    Frequent I am not an IDPA member. expressions in this thread.


We can expect that just about everyone in the immediate Take Aim Indoor Range market area would not be an IDPA member because no IDPA matches have been offered for about three years now.   Folks are not likely to have national membership without a local venue for access to their sport.

However, it's reasonable to expect that if Take Aim opens an IDPA series, then a good many of the attendees would join up w/IDPA, become active, and accept leadership and service roles, pretty much like most ongoing volunteer recreational organizations.

As it happened, when the BH held IDPA matches, no one ever brought up the issue of IDPA membership.   At least, to me.  Membership was not talked up much at the time.   My guess is that most shooters back then were not IDPA members.   However, the leadership cadre most likely was at the time.

Here's wishing you the best of success in working out an IDPA arrangement with Take Aim.


Just realized I hadn't commented on this.  Yes, of course I'd be interested also, along with a hope that it would be on a day where I could make it. 

You are going to need to quit your day job, Aldo, so you can run all this stuff!

(And when I win the lottery and build my own range, you can run IDPA there, too.  Of course, you'll have to argue with the USPSA guys in terms of scheduling...)


--- Quote from: jthhapkido on March 01, 2014, 06:36:55 PM ---You are going to need to quit your day job, Aldo, so you can run all this stuff!
--- End quote ---

Hah!!!  ;)   If I was retired (not quite there yet), it would be possible...but in the meantime...

....there are a couple of things: 1) my understanding is that Take Aim has the personpower willing to assume IDPA indoor match leadership positions (e.g., SOs once they're trained/certified), 2) my role would be limited initially to just helping them get started (and hopefully training/certifying them as SOs) and then my role afterwards would be to just pop in and be a shooter in the match and train additional SOs as needed, and 3) knowing that you would be there as a shooter and also eventually as an SO offering assistance, Take Aim's IDPA has the potential to really take off!  And SemperFiGuy's desire to help out is another bonus!  :)

...and I will be begging  ;D  for you and your colleagues from ENGC to PLEASE continue to come to IDPA Nebraska's indoor and outdoor matches!!! You guys along with a couple of locals are really showing everybody at our matches a level of skills and abilities to which they can strive!!  8)


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