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Employee Rights

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One more hurdle to jump now that we have state wide carry.

Employee rights.  I risk my job everyday to carry my ccw to my place of employment.  I have been here 19 years now and I don't want to find another job.
 It does  not make sense to me that my company can make a "Company Policy" that will group me with the deadbeats, booosers and pot heads and not allow my firearm on company property, even though I have a CCW permit.

I can't even lock it up in my car during the day.

I think Florida has a some type of law about employee rights 

Ya I know,  Conciled is Conciled and all of that , but I would rather not be forced to brake company rules to protect me and my family when I pick up the kids on the way home from work.

Wymore Wrangler:
If the parking lot is open to the public, you can legally have your CCW firearm in your car...

Yes I agree, I'm not breaking any state law's. However I will be in violation of company policy and subject to loosing my job.

It's just like when your not allowed to have a 12pk of Budlight in a cooler in the back of your truck at work, but it's just fine when your at home out tinkering around in the garage.

So company policy trumps state law by not allowing me to carry

I also wonder what responsibility the company has to protect its employees.  I know there was some talk that because the company did not allow for CCW, that the company had a responsibility to insure the safety of its workers.  Is there anything (laws, regulations, ect.) I can politely take to our HR department?  Just like FLUFF, our company states that they don't allow firearms on company property, parking lot or in the building.  With 430 driving to work is worse than going to church that meets in a school!

Again.......You always have the option of leaving the handgun locked in your car.

Of course, I agree with what was stated. We need to enact employee protection legisation that protects employees who own guns and also have them in their vehicles parked on company property from being fired. I would also support protecting employees right to carry firearms in their place of employment. While I support the rights of private property owners I do believe 2A rights need to be respected as well.
I do believe Oklahoma and Florida have passed parking lot legislation that protects permit holders to keep legal firearms in their locked vehicles on company property.


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