General Categories > Hunting and Fishing
Dove hunting.
Anybody do any dove hunting today? How did you do.
I got 7 in 3 hours. sitting a huge hemp feild. The farmer told me I should have been there earlier. I would have got my limit.
By the way... 7 birds 7 shots. I was on the money today. I'm not bragging or anything though. ;D
Good shooting.....
.....why is it that errrr'buddy wants me to work when a hunting season rolls around?
You weren't burning any of that hemp by chance were ya?
A friend and I went out about dusk, went through a box of shells, took home 9, and couldn't find 7-8 of the others. Hope this cool weather doesn't drive them south. The ones I shot all were really little, they looked like local birds with really small breasts. Maybe they have already left.
--- Quote from: ranger04 on September 01, 2009, 09:48:55 PM ---You weren't burning any of that hemp by chance were ya?
--- End quote ---
Nooooo. Gave that up alongggggggggg time ago. I dont' think I could shoot like that if I had been. Came out of there smelling like the crap though. Going back tomorrow or Friday evening. Maybe Sat am.
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