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Nebraska Governor Candidates

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I was busy moving, so didn't catch the debate.  From what my boss said, it was uninteresting.

I'd like to see one of these morons stand out and SAY SOMETHING.

Make me want to vote for you, please.

Hell, I think Gov. Walker came down and did some kind of endorsement thing for Ricketts - but by the end of it, you were more likely to vote for Walker than any of our guys.

Why can't our Nebraskan brothers say anything to convince us that they have a plan, the details of this plan, or or or or or.

As a side complaint, wasn't Stothert supposed to get rid of the restaurant tax ? Wasn't that a big deal about her campaign ? WTF?

Think i'll go sulk in the corner being pissed off at politics and other things.

That was a huge part of her campaign. Unfortunately, it brings in too much revenue for the city to give up and the restaurateurs stopped raising hell over it.


Yet another reason why I was glad to leave Omaha.


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