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Looks like it's time to change that law...

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What's that one about snowmobiles again?

--- Quote ---A 51-year-old man videotaped himself snowmobiling with his son somewhere in the western U.S. when he encountered a moose standing in the middle of the well-worn forest path.
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Saw that video.  He had to take down the moose.  Looked like a Glock, but maybe not.

This is what I sent to my Senator last year. It was determined that the current make-up of the Judiciary Committee would make it's introduction at this time useless.

Changes I would like to see:,342

Nebraska Revised Statute 60-6,342

Revised Statutes » Chapter 60 » 60-6,342 Print Friendly 60-6,342. Snowmobiles; carrying firearms; hunting; unlawful.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to:
     (a) shoot, take, hunt, or kill or attempt to shoot, take, hunt, or kill any wild animal or bird from or with a snowmobile or for any person to carry or possess any shotgun or rimfire rifle while operating or riding on a snowmobile.
     (b) carry or possess any firearm, bow and arrow, or other projectile device on a snowmobile unless such bow and arrow or projectile device is enclosed in a car carrying case or such firearm is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case.  This section does not apply to a person who is the holder of a valid permit issued under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act if the concealed weapon the defendant is carrying is a handgun.

There are many people who would like the opportunity of self defense when riding a snowmobile, just as they are afforded that opportunity when riding a motorcycle, bicycle, ATV, automobile. 
There are also many people who use a snowmobile while checking traplines who commonly use a small caliber pistol to dispatch animals caught in leg-hold traps if they are still alive before collecting them from the trap. This means the trapper must load the gun, fire the weapon, unload the gun, stow the gun in an enclosed case, ride to the next trap, take the gun from the case, load the weapon, fire the weapon, etc, etc, etc... Quite ridiculous, in my opinion.
This is an antiquated law that needs the above modification at minimum, and deletion of it entirely would be ideal.

Maybe it can be introduced in about 6 years, when the Garter Snake is gone.   ::)

Chris C:
I'd like to see the rest of the video because in that clip he is antagonizing the moose. Could have just as easily went in reverse instead of driving towards it.


--- Quote from: Chris C on February 27, 2014, 09:49:42 AM ---I'd like to see the rest of the video because in that clip he is antagonizing the moose. Could have just as easily went in reverse instead of driving towards it.

--- End quote ---

Seems I've heard that argument before.... Was it George Zimmerman on the snowmobile?


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