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In need of a good Read

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Kindle edition, because i like to have my phone with me for my visit to the water closet.....

Anyhow, i like to think of myself as conservative, right wing, tea party-esque. 

Just finished "Control" by Glenn Beck, which btw ended a bit abruptly and unexpectedly.  If you know anything about kindle, it tells you how much book you have read by percentage, and estimates how long it will be, in hours and minutes until you finish it.  This book at 64% was the end of the book leaving the rest filled with citation, reference, credits, etc.  Needless to say i was  bit PO'd, and now have nothing on the horizon.

Anyone in the middle of anything they'd like to recommend?

I'm a scifi nerd.  If you're into that you might look into Larry Correia, John Ringo, and Michael Z. Williamson.  They all write scifi from a conservative and/or libertarian perspective.  Correia is more of fantasy author than scifi.

If factual history interests you, anything by Stephen Ambrose is worth looking into.  Works by Michael Shaara and his son Jeff are good Civil War works..

I'm in the middle of "On Combat" by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, it's been an interesting read so far

No idea if they are on kindle, but these are some reads I recommend to people interested in the topic:

The Bear went over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
The Other Side of the Mountain: Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War
Jungle of Snakes: A Century of Counter-Insurgency Warfare from the Philippines to Iraq
Seeds of Terror: How Drugs, Thugs, and Crime are Reshaping the Afghan War


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