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In need of a good Read

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i just remembered i liked Sal Guntas book. hes a medal of honor winner and i saw him speak at the Sac museum.


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on March 06, 2014, 02:38:58 PM ---mmm...  I've about read out the scifi section at the Walt public library, but I avoided the Ringo books because the covers looked so corny.  I'll have to check some out!

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Yeah, the covers seem to be aimed at a hormone-laden 15 year old boy.  The Troy Rising series is pretty good, though.


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on March 06, 2014, 09:08:41 AM ---At the risk of unabashed self-promotion ...

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  did you write this? was pretty good, but are you ever going to write a second half and tell us what happened?


--- Quote from: shooter on March 11, 2014, 06:56:29 PM ---  did you write this? was pretty good, but are you ever going to write a second half and tell us what happened?

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Yes and yes. :D Not sure when, though. Life has sort of overtaken me.


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