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Author Topic: Nebraska Hunting Permits  (Read 3456 times)

Offline terminalvelocity16

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Nebraska Hunting Permits
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:39:38 AM »
Hey everybody! I recently moved here from NY (I know I know. This is why I left) and I'm curious about Nebraska's hunting permit regulations and processes. I had to take a hunter safety course in NY to get my yearly deer tag. I've noticed that Nebraska mentions the same thing and I'm curious if I need to take a Nebraska safety course, or if the one I have is good enough, or proof of a NY license is good enough. I'm a permanent resident in Lincoln and I have all the necessary proof so I'm just asking what I need to do to apply. Also I'm also open to suggestions on some good hunting lands in the eastern part of the state. Primarily white tail. I'm not really a fan of using public hunting lands but seeing as I don't own property or have become friendly with someone who does it's going to have to do for the time being. Thanks guys.

Offline RobertH

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Re: Nebraska Hunting Permits
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2014, 11:51:05 AM »
welcome to NE!  http://outdoornebraska.ne.gov/ is your source for all your information.

as for private land... good luck.  ask during the off season and prepared to hear the word "No."
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