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Parental Rights


Please visit and sign their petition in support of the Parental Rights Amendment to the Constitution.  As most of you already know, the New World Order push is accelerating and includes attempts by the UN to regulate everything you choose to teach your children, which, as we all know, would include your rights to teach your children on the proper use of guns or even allowing them to own guns.  Please help to stop this takeover of parental authority in its tracks by: (1) signing the petition; (2) contacting your House and Senate reps to ask that they support HJ50 and SJ42, respectively; and (3) contacting your Senator to insist the Senate NOT ratify the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and Rights of People with Disabilities.  Also, contact the Nebraska Judiciary Committee members and your Nebraska legislator to move LR42 out of the committee for a full vote.  I truly believe the Supreme Court will NOT protect you on this issue, since it is clear to me the Court has been co-opted and their authority usurped, most likely through threats of blackmail thanks to the NSA spying.  This is exactly why John Roberts changed his vote on Obamacare at the last minute - he illegally maneuvered 2 pregnant Irish women to move to a Latin American country so he could adopt their children (which is why the Press at the time reported that the children were Latino).  Ireland does not permit private adoptions nor do they permit foreigners to adopt Irish children.  Roberts would have been subject to possibly losing his children and facing charges in Ireland.  Please - this WILL affect your rights as a parent regarding weapons. 

Please excuse me but I have a question. 

The United States Supreme Court has stated very clearly that parents have the right to raise their children as they like, including the use of corporal punishment.  The UN has no right to dictate to us how we raise our children, and anything that they want to push to the US would require Senate approval and a presidential signature.  Admittedly the Senate is far more liberal than I would like, but they have a history of not liking what the UN demands from our nation and telling them to pound sand, and if it does not get past them then Obama will not get the chance to give away more of our national sovereignty than he already has. 

Honestly this looks like a solution searching for a problem.  I have raised more kids in my time than any 10 families (foster parent, 18 years), but maybe I am missing something.  Can you be a bit more specific on what this petition proposes and why you think its needed?



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