General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

I am leaving for the weekend and leaving the computer home.

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You all have a great weekend, use it to enjoy the family and friends. When we get back tuesday there is a lot of work to be done. This is my last weekend off for 5 weeks, so I'll see you monday night at the soonest.

Pelosi is going to try and ram through a socialism (health care) bill, the NFOA will pass 2000 members, and hunting season will be in full swing. This is the time of year I live for.

Take care.


Have a great one man! This my favorite time of the year as well.

Enjoy your weekend. Hopefully I'll find one of my friends to join for Memorial Day.


--- Quote from: Krylancelo on September 04, 2009, 05:30:18 PM ---Enjoy your weekend. Hopefully I'll find one of my friends to join for Memorial Day.

--- End quote ---

Surely, you can sign someone up before the end of next May.... >:(


Well, I made it back sooner than I expected, seems to be a little ***** in the air, so I came home for a little while. My ***** alergies were acting up. One of these days they will make a pill for that that works. Until then, Godspeed brothers.


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