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EMT Course?

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I really want to take an EMT training course or another first aid training course. I realized while I was thinking about it the other day I have virtually no knowledge on how to properly treat a serious wound or even fashion a splint. I think this would be invaluable knowledge if something catastrophic were to happen and it may just let me save someone's life. So if you guys have any info on a place to take a class or if you could recommend anything I would appreciate it. Thanks!

EMT classes require 120+ Hours that 2 classes a week @ 3 hours for app. 5 months, and can be found through Metro tech Community College Omaha area and possably South East Community College @ Lincoln.

There are other classes with lesser hour requirements such as:
First Responder and Basic First Aid these both along with CPR are very good entry level classes.
Personally, I recommend that all individuals should be trained at minimum in Basic First Aid + CPR.

I volunteered for 10 years as an EMT for Plattsmouth Fire and Rescue Department. (era 1988-1998)

Jim P. is our latest Certified EMT and has completed his schooling in the last year perhaps he will give any additional information that I may have missed.

Well, it may require a good amount of time but I think I would learn a lot more... And sometime that knowledge might save my own life or someone else's.

I'll look into it. Thanks for the always helpful information, Randy. :)

I am a certified First Responder and it took quite a little class room time. Well worth it however. We have to attend continuing ed classes to retain our certification on a yearly basis. Many of those classes are very applicable to a person that may need to begin preliminary treatment of gunshot or knife wounds. Consult your local community college or fire station, they should have a schedule of when these free classes are put on.

About 4 years ago I decided to become an EMT for the fire dept. It took about 6 months to do it and the continuing ed seems to take alot of time. However I don't regret that I took it. The knowledge, the training, and the peace of mind that I can handle a few more situations that may arise was well worth it. I took my training thru southeast. I believe that metro is also starting a team of instructors. And several of the hospitals around were tossing around starting a program of their own. (not sure what ever came of it but to my knowledge UNMC, and creighton were just about to go active with their programs not sure if they did) There are plenty of options for the classes. Just be ready to devote time to it to keep it current and remember that if you don't use it you lose it. Not trying to discourage you but trying to be honest about what it is going to entail.


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