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Author Topic: Great News from New Mexico  (Read 573 times)

Offline AAllen

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Great News from New Mexico
« on: March 31, 2014, 03:43:00 PM »
Some of you may have known, many of you most likely did not, but the NFOA was contacted several years ago by one of our members who has a friend in New Mexico that is a Permanent Resident Alien that wanted a Concealed Carry Permit.  Well like Nebraska New Mexico has a statute on the books that required US Citizenship.  We were able to get the person in New Mexico in contact with our attorney and the SAF (this was over a year before the NFOA filed a similar suit here in Nebraska) who took this gentleman's case.  Well a few minutes ago I received word that the Federal Judge in that case issued a permanent order that requires the state of New Mexico to issue concealed carry permits to Permanent Resident Aliens who meet all the other requirements.

The NFOA can not help in everything but when we find someone whose rights are being unlawfully denied we will do whatever we can to get them the professional help they need from those that can provide it.  In that small way we are protecting the rights of everyone every where.