How many people here know that there is a bill that is/was on the schedule for today that basically cancels out your vote in Presidential elections. When the Constitution was written the electoral college was created to keep major population centers from being able to control the country with their vote, by giving smaller states like Nebraska a higher percentage influence on the Electoral College. LB1058 would remove the rules currently in place for who gets Nebraska's electoral votes and says that all of our votes must be given to the person that won the national popular vote, even if every Nebraskan votes against that person our states votes would go to whomever won the National popular vote.
While the Electoral College is not perfect by any means, and Nebraska being small potatoes when it comes to presidential elections, going to a national popular vote would give 11 states the ability to tell the rest of us who our rulers will be. That means the only activity we would see is the press (good luck getting truthful information there) telling us what the candidates did in the 11 states that would control this compact.
I know this is not gun related and I try real hard to keep mu posts to firearms issues, but I thought it would be good to let you know about this bill so you can do whatever you think needs to be done.