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speechless...felt obligated to share-omaha video just went viral

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Well that is 6:38 that I will never get back.


--- Quote from: Randy on April 07, 2014, 10:34:05 PM ---Well that is 6:38 that I will never get back.

--- End quote ---

Sorry. I feel stupider for watching it myself...

Two things come to mind while watching this video...

#1 - Where was OPD, Did the store clerk not call or were they involved?
#2 - It is a miracle a gun was not introduced into this fight, things could have gone down hill VERY quickly. 

this is on the Omaha police officers association facebook.  There are a lot of things to be said on this.  7 minutes isn't that long of a time, who knows when they were called.  a few might have already been on calls and the NW district is by far the largest in Omaha and with maybe 2 dozen cops (many of them 2 per car.)

Never heard so many terms of endearment, on one you tube video.

Bad idea to get gas at 2am, rather than the much safer 2pm. 

I will be playing excerpts of this for my CC classes.   I don't feel this video is a waste of time, in the least bit.  It shows how quickly, a group of people, can change into a mob, and people can get hurt.

Anyone that ever goes into a Walmart, or a convenience store late at night, or anytime really, should watch this, to help raise your alert levels.  I will definitely have my wife watch this also.


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